A Festival of German films for children and youth

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A Festival of German films for children and youth "Shum bola - 2015", organized by the Goethe Institute kicks off at the metropolitan cinema palace named after Alisher Navoi from April 30 to May 3, as well as at the cinema palace "Shark Yulduzi" in Samarkand on May 5 and 6.
Young viewers will be presented films from the program of the German festival "Schlingel" with translation into Russian language.
This year the Tashkent festival will show a fascinating film for children "Pettersson and Findus", shot based on the eponymous book series of Swedish writer Sven Nurdkvist. In 2014 at the Munich film festival the film won the prize in the nomination "Best production".
The Director of the German festival "Schlingel" Michael Harbauer like last year will visit the Tashkent film festival and will open the second part of the festival in Samarkand. In addition, this year’s honorary guest of the festival will be also the producer of the film "Tomorrow at noon I die" by Frederick Steiner.
The International film festival "Schlingel is one of the brightest events in the festival life of Germany and a real holiday for children and young audience. It represents the audience the best children’s films from different countries.
IA "Jahon"