Dear Visitor,
Welcome to the website of the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Uzbekistan to the United Nations Office and other International Organizations in Geneva.
The site has been designed to provide information about Uzbekistan and main aspects of its cooperation with the international organizations in Geneva.
We sincerely believe that it will help you to enhance your knowledge about Uzbekistan, better understand current socio-economic developments and political processes as well as multilateral activities of our country by providing you with varied and useful information.
Warm regards,
Ambassador, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Uzbekistan
27.03.2025 | An article published in both Arabic and English by the specialized Egyptian online publication Al Diplomasy, discusses the upcoming Samarkand International Climate Forum, reports Dunyo IA correspondent.
continue »27.03.2025 | The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan Bakhtiyor Saidov met yesterday with the Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan, Rashid Meredov in Ashgabat, reports Dunyo IA (...)
continue »27.03.2025 | Yesterday, Tashkent hosted a round of political consultations between the Ministries of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan and Belarus, reports Dunyo IA correspondent.
continue »27.03.2025 | Yesterday, an Iftar ceremony was organized throughout all regions of the country, reports Dunyo IA correspondent.
continue »26.03.2025 | In April 2025, Tashkent will host the 150th anniversary Assembly of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) for the first time in the history of Central Asia. This event brings together over 2000 parliamentarians from more than 100 national parliaments, providing a (...)
continue »25.03.2025 | Bismillahir rahmanir rahim. Dear compatriots, our fathers and mothers! Dear guests! Once again, I sincerely congratulate you, all our people, the entire Muslim ummah of the far and near foreign countries on the holy month of Ramadan. I wish you all peace, (...)
continue »For consular and visa issues, please contact the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Berlin:
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Tel.: +49 30 394 098 30/80
Fax: +49 30 394 098 62
Hotline of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Uzbekistan:
+998 71 233 28 28