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The international scientific-practical conference devoted to the main directions of development of administrative justice in our country have passed in Tashkent.
It was organized by the Supreme Court and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan jointly with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) "Promoting the rule of law in Central Asia".
There were discussed the current trends in the judicial and legal reforms in the country, improvement of administrative law, has been considered international experience. Judges of the Supreme Court and Supreme Economic courts, criminal courts Syrdarya, Tashkent regions and Tashkent, representatives of judicial authorities, national and international experts exchanged views on the issues.
Director of the Research Center at the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan N.Juraev and others stressed that Uzbekistan has consistently held judicial and legal reforms, including in the administration of justice designed to resolve disputes arising from administrative legal relations.
It was noted that Uzbekistan created the legal basis for the full and effective functioning of the justice system, help to secure judicial protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. In the sphere of administrative justice are not only the interests of the citizens, but also of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.
The conference dealt with the impact of gradual modernization and improvement of the national legal system. The key points of these processes have become the specialization of courts of general jurisdiction and the formation of courts in civil and criminal matters, the reform of cassation appeal the institution of cases, a change in the classification of crimes, the introduction of reconciliation. Were reduced the time of the investigation and detention of persons in custody, prosecutors and reformed activity improved Advocacy Institute, abolished the death penalty, introduced the institution of "habeas corpus" to the transfer of the right to issue sanctions for arrest from the prosecutor to the court.
Launched by President Islam Karimov Concept of further deepening democratic reforms and formation of civil society in the country has given a powerful impetus to implement reforms. In particular, to strengthen judicial control, improve the system and mechanisms for the protection of competition and allegations of criminal proceedings to extend the use of the institute "habeas corpus". The authority to use such coercive procedural measures as removal of the person from office and placed in a medical institution transferred to the courts.
This humanization of the judicial system shows a strong commitment to the development of democracy in Uzbekistan, - the Director of the GIZ Program "Promoting rule of law in Central Asia" Joerg Pudelka said. - As part of our program we ascertain in Uzbekistan’s focus on further democratization and liberalization of judicial-legal sphere. This conference helped to review the experience gained by Uzbekistan.