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All responsible persons will interact closely with each company, entrepreneur and household

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All responsible persons will interact closely with each company, entrepreneur and household

President Shavkat Mirziyoyev met in Namangan with hokims from Namangan, Andijan, and Fergana regions, as well as with senior officials of the economic complex.

Measures to increase the population’s income were discussed based on Saykhunabad’s experience, including using households’ capabilities.

In the valley areas, the population density is high, and every inch of land is worth its weight in gold. Therefore, local farmers know how to use the land efficiently. Crafts and entrepreneurship are well-developed. At the same time, it is necessary to support unemployed people and low-income families in mahallas.

The Head of state emphasized the importance of paying special attention to these population groups and providing them with organizational and financial support to ensure employment. All responsible persons must cooperate closely with each company, entrepreneur, and household.

Therefore, employees of hokimiyats and all economic agencies work in mahallas. They will analyze household opportunities, for example, create a model for effectively using personal plots to increase income to 60-70 million UZS.

People with handicraft skills will be assisted in purchasing materials, equipment, and working capital. Those who wish to engage in entrepreneurship will be helped to develop business plans.

Commercial banks must actively participate in this process. That is, they must support the creation of additional jobs based on the enterprises they serve in every possible way.

Moreover, the state allocates significant resources to banks, which should be directed to local initiatives of the population and serve to increase employment. These funds must be converted into new jobs, additional products, and increased purchasing power of the population.

The task has been set to organize small-scale household production, train people to produce goods, and enhance collaboration and home-based work.

It will also highlight the untapped potential of household plots and agricultural lands allocated to the population for growing various fruits and vegetables for export and the development of livestock, poultry, fish farming, and beekeeping, which will improve household well-being.