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The capital hosted a seminar on the implementation in practice of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On appeals of individuals and legal entities", and approved by the Cabinet of Ministers dated 31 March 2015 model Regulations on the work of individuals and legal persons in public bodies and public institutions.

It was attended by senior officials of the General Prosecutor’s Office, the Ministries of Justice, on the development of information technologies and communications, heads of departments to consider appeals of state and economic management, legal advisers.

Its noted at the workshop that the Law "On the complaints of individuals and legal persons", as well as Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers "On approval of the Model Regulations on the work of individuals and legal entities in state bodies and public institutions" dated March 31 this year more improved procedure for treatment of citizens in government bodies.

When appeals arrive to the bodies of state and economic management in the register of references, the serial number handling, surname, name and patronymic of the individual accesses, place of residence, the name and address of the legal entity, a summary of the treatment, the date of treatment, duplicate or re-treatment, mark to take control should be added there.

Registered appeal no later than one business day after receipt made the head of the state body, or his deputy, heads of structural divisions.

Applications received by the state agency, whose mandate does not include the resolution of the issues raised, not later than five days, a letter signed by the head of the public body or the head of the structural unit, are sent to the relevant authorities with information about this, contacting in writing or in electronic form.

— Statement or complaint shall be considered within fifteen days from the date of receipt of the state body, which is obliged to resolve the issue and, when required further study or verification, the request for additional documents - up to one month, - head of the reception of citizens and requests the Ministry of Justice Sharof Galtemirov says.

Illegal refusal to accept and consider communications from individuals and legal entities, without reasonable excuse a violation of terms of their consideration, failure to provide a response in writing or in electronic form, the adoption of legislation contrary to the appeals of individuals and legal entities solutions, prosecution of physical and legal entities in connection with their treatment or for expression and criticism contained in the treatment, other violations of the law on appeals of individuals and legal entities are punishable in the manner prescribed by law.

During the seminar reports were heard on such topics as nature and value of the acts of appeals, electronic document management systems for electronic applications from individuals and legal entities, the application of modern information technologies and software products, received the representatives of legal entities and individuals.

IA "Jahon"