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December 2, 2009, at the 64th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations the sides have declared August 29 as the International Day against Nuclear Tests.
The main purpose of the day - increasing awareness of the consequences of nuclear weapon test explosions or any other nuclear explosions, necessity of their termination as a means of achieving the goal of a world free of nuclear weapons.
This date is also designed to intensify the efforts of UN, countries in the world, intergovernmental and nongovernmental organizations in ending nuclear testing.
The Republic of Uzbekistan fr om the first years of independence, opposed nuclear testing, considering them a threat to all humanity.
Ranked among the major international initiatives of our country, which have received wide acceptance and support in the world, the initiative to create in Central Asia a zone free of nuclear weapons (CANWFZ) occupies a special place. It had been launched by the President of our country on September 28, 1993, at the 48th session of the UN General Assembly. Call Uzbekistan’s leader fully meets the vital interests of this part of the world in the way of a nuclear-free development and active counteraction to threats of the uncontrolled proliferation of mass destruction weapons.
The idea of creating CANWFZ corresponds to the UN Charter, which contains provisions that have made disarmament a generally recognized rule of international law, as well as the OSCE Helsinki Final Act, which enshrines the principles of peaceful coexistence and disarmament.
The holding on September 15, 1997, in Tashkent of the international conference "Central Asia - a zone free of nuclear weapons" became an important event in the way of a nuclear-free zone in Central Asia. The participants unanimously supported the initiative for the formation of CANWFZ and appreciated the efforts of Uzbekistan and its partners - the countries of the region aimed at ensuring security, preventing nuclear proliferation and other transnational threats, as well as the expansion of the areas of the world wh ere nuclear weapons, nuclear explosive devices are banned forever. At the end of the Tashkent Conference was established Regional Expert Group (REG) for the preparation of the Treaty on CANWFZ.
In the end, thanks to the joint efforts of the countries of Central Asia on September 8, 2006, in Semipalatinsk (Kazakhstan) signed the Treaty of CANWFZ. The document stipulates that all its members refuse to develop, manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons, possession of or control over him, from his placement test or use and shall not allow on its territory such action.
It should be noted that the April 2, 2007, our state first among the countries of the region ratified the CANWFZ. This is the evidence to bring real benefits in addressing the prohibition and non-proliferation and strengthen global and regional security. Following its ratification by all states of the region, he came into force on 21 March 2009.
In the process of denuclearization of the region have shown strong political will and constructive approach, the ability to combine their efforts for the sake of security and stability in the region, creating the necessary conditions for the development and prosperity of their peoples.
May 6, 2014 at UN headquarters in New York held a historically important event - the representatives of the states possessing nuclear weapons, unanimously and simultaneously signed the most important international document - a protocol on security assurances to the Treaty on the zone free of nuclear weapons in Central Asia. The signing of the Additional Protocol to the Treaty marked the success of a long process of consultation on the issue of Central Asian States security assurances against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons. This event has become one of the most important in the global non-proliferation regime in the last decade.
Information Agency "Jahon"