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In the first half of this year, the total amount of goods sold in all trading platforms of the Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange (UZEX) amounted to 4.1 trillion soums.
The steady growth of production capacity in the country will positively affect the price situation of individual product segments, which also indicates the balance of supply and demand on the exchange commodity market. Prices for some commodities have kept downward trend. In particular, there was a decrease in cement prices - 35 per cent, liquefied gas - 30 percent and ferrous metals - 12.3 per cent. However, sales growth in real terms was recorded on 12 headings of nomenclature of highly liquid goods.
The participation of small business and private entrepreneurship in the exchange, trade fairs and auctions today plays an important role. This increases the stability of the business activities in the country. Small businesses in the first half of the goods purchased for 2.4 trillion soums and implemented their own production to 892.3 billion soums, which is higher than the first half of last year by 17.5% and 20.7% respectively. Significantly increased the percentage share of entrepreneurs committed transactions in the total volume of the exchange. The share of small businesses in the first half of the year had 79.4% of all transactions UZEX. For comparison, in the corresponding period last year this figure was 65.2%. The growth in the number of transactions involving business entities is observed in almost all regions of the country.
Extensive development and significant growth of received bids and other trading platforms Exchange. In particular, the volume of transactions made in the system of exhibition trades amounted to 467.3 billion soums with an increase in the same period last year by 7.6%.
The e-auction system for lowering the starting price D-xarid implemented on government procurement 210.6 billion soums, which is also 7.6% over the same period last year. By reducing the price in the bidding process there is a significant budget savings. Only over the reporting period due to this mechanism, it managed to save 60 billion soums of budget funds. A year ago, this figure was lower at 28.1%.
The supply of goods and services in public procurement through electronic auction of the lion’s share took small businesses. They form 99.5% in the segment of the total number and value of deals. Of the total number of suppliers of goods (works, services) small businesses have occupied 98% and their number as accredited suppliers increased by 2.5 times.
In addition, from June 1 this year at the exchange introduced a new mechanism for public procurement of goods, works and essential services based on the electronic catalog.For a month on a new trading platform exchange deals were concluded by eight billion sums, it saved 1.2 billion soums of budget funds.
The volume of electronic trading of corporate procurement system E-xarid increased by 4.9% and amounted to 170.8 billion soums. This allowed to save budgetary funds in the amount of 35.9 billion soums, which is two billion soums more in comparison to the first half of last year. The share of small businesses in the delivery of goods (works, services) in public procurement through electronic auction trading as the major part - 98% of the number of deals and held 97% of the total amount of transactions.
UZEX is constantly working to expand the network of trading platforms in the regions. In the first quarter of this year accredited 54 new trading platforms. Thus, from January to June on the stock exchange it was recorded 185 active marketplaces, 790 brokerage firms and traders in 2006.
An important area of work was the introduction of information and communication technologies. Modernization of three electronic trading systems and the introduction of a new trading platform for public procurement - E-catalog - allowed businessmen to carry out purchases and sales on the stock exchange remotely. Directly on the official website of the Uzbek Commodity Exchange introduced additional interactive services - "Online consultation", "Hotline" and "Call-center".
IA "Jahon"