Congratulations on the occasion of Navruz from Italy

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On the eve of the popular national holiday of Navruz in the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Italy receives congratulations from representatives of Italian social and cultural circles.
Matilde Orsini, president of the International cultural-artistic association "Nautartis", Gubbio city (Umbria, Italy):
We do know much about Uzbekistan not by hearsay. First of all, that your country has a very rich cultural and historical heritage, as also reflected in the historical data. In this regard, our organization has a huge interest in cooperation with Uzbekistan.
Navruz - holiday of spring and awakening represents ancient history, rich culture and unique customs and traditions of Uzbek people. This is the day of the vernal equinox, the feast of not only nature, but also the soul of each person.
Currently, we are preparing to organize a joint cultural festival of art and friendship between the two countries. We believe that this will strengthen the friendly relations between Italy and Uzbekistan. We plan to hold it in the ancient Italian town of Gubbio (Umbria), or as it is called differently - "City of candles", in the Consular Palace in August this year. It will be invited 90 visual artists from around the world, which are expected to participate 10 artists from Uzbekistan.
I look forward to the successful implementation of this project.
Arnaldo Pauzelli, president of the International cultural-artistic association "Nautartis", Gubbio city (Umbria, Italy):
Uzbekistan - truly an amazing and beautiful country of rich culture which can talk endlessly. Sure, we have a great interest in the development of cooperation with them. I think we could together implement a number of projects in the field of culture.
One such project is the Festival of art and friendship of Uzbekistan and Italy, scheduled for this year. It is encouraging that it will attend a number of Uzbek artists, who will be our guest of honor. It is significant and that it will be timed to the Independence Day of Uzbekistan.
Folk customs of Uzbekistan, which has evolved over many centuries and millennia, are the property of all mankind. I think that this unique national holiday as Navruz contributes to strengthening interethnic and interfaith understanding in your community.
In this regard, I wish all Uzbek people prosperity and peace!
Aida Abdullayeva, an artist, a member of the Organizing Committee of the International cultural-artistic association "Nautartis":
Being a native of Uzbekistan, for many years I live in Italy and being here, I feel more love for the motherland.
I often talk to my friends about the rich traditions and customs of the Uzbek people. Chief among the holidays in Uzbekistan is Navruz, which includes a national ritual feast "Sumalak" main ingredient is wheat germ, symbolizing life, fertility, warmth and health.
Luigi Falaskoni, the famous Italian photographer:
I recently visited your wonderful province. I learned a lot about the rich culture and traditions of Uzbek people. The coming holiday of Navruz is celebrated throughout the country and is an event that brings together all the people of Uzbekistan.
Even though I visited your country much later than our world famous traveler Marco Polo, but still want to say that Uzbekistan is worth a visit to learn more about its beauty and to get acquainted with your beautiful and hospitable people.
I take this opportunity to congratulate the people of Uzbekistan with the coming spring holiday and wish prosperity, abundance and all the best. May all your noble dreams come true and be your house full of joy and happiness!
IA "Jahon", Rome