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The championship was held in Tashkent in Uzbekistan athletics among students of colleges of Olympic reserve, according to the National Information Agency UzA.
At the competition, organized by the Athletics Federation of Uzbekistan, for the victory we fought about 320 athletes.
The hurdles for various distances Ulugbek Israilov, Shohruh Baratov, Behruz Asadov, Jaloliddin Khamrokulov, Hassan Juraev, Jahongir Rakhmatullaev, Anvar Sarimsakov, Gulrukhsor Hashimov, Sevara Tursunov, Maftuna Toshev, Nargiza Nizomiddinova, Sabina Umarova, Elmira Gazizova, Natalia Rasulova and Violetta Mukhammadieva beat all rivals and climbed the podium.
The javelin was won by Shukhrat Pulatov and Vera Kovalkova. V.Kovalkova also took first place in shot put. Among boys in this discipline was the champion of Uzbekistan Farhod Suyunov. In the discus throw better results showed Odil Kamilov and Zhumagul Parpieva.
In the high jump won Uchqun Akhmedov and Alexandra Yurkevskaya, in the long jump and triple jump Davron Ergashev became the best and Roxana Hudoyarova.
IA "Jahon"