For consular and visa issues, please contact the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Berlin:
Perleberger Str. 62, 10559 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 394 098 30/80
Fax: +49 30 394 098 62
Hotline of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Uzbekistan:
+998 71 233 28 28
The Training Center of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan held a week-long training course on "Modern methods of state and public control over labor protection and industrial safety in the Republic of Uzbekistan".
According to the federation, the course was organized for the employees of labor protection services of the Republican Council of Trade Unions branches, the main representatives of the territorial offices of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, state inspections «O’zsanoatgeokontexnazorat» and «O’zdavenergonazorat».
Participants enhance their knowledge on labor legislation and labor protection, national and international standards in the field of social and labor relations.
IA "Jahon"