Demonstration of Modern Technologies

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In Tashkent, the XV international exhibition of equipment for food and processing industry WorldFood Uzbekistan – 2015 and the X international exhibition of agricultural technologies AgroWorld Uzbekistan – 2015 opened at Uzexpocenter.
The exhibitions were organized by the Ministry of foreign economic relations, investments and trade, the Ministry of agriculture and water resources, the Uzulgurjisavdoinvest Association, the Association of food industry enterprises, chamber of Commerce, the Council of farmers of Uzbekistan and the holding company Uzvinsanoat in conjunction with the international exhibition company ITE Uzbekistan, reports Uzbekistan National News Agency.
More than 180 companies from nearly 30 countries, such as Uzbekistan, USA, Germany, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Hungary, Poland, Israel, China, Russia, Iran, Korea, Lithuania, Estonia, United Arab Emirates represent their products and services at the exhibitions.
In the exhibitions located in two pavilions and outdoor areas, wide place allocated for food products, beverages, seeds, agricultural machineries, poultry and livestock products. Most foreign participants offer new technologies for the processing of milk and fruit, packing and packaging, freezing equipment, refrigeration and greenhouse systems, food products and confectionery.
The companies Viniks, Matimeks Vostok, Mehrigiyo, Aroma klassik, Saykhun baraka specialized in the production of food and trading equipment, beverage, fat-and-oil products, confectionery and juices.
The section of "Fruits. Vegetables. Processing. Storage" is organized for the first time at the international exhibition AgroWorld Uzbekistan – 2015. Among its participants can be seen in Such companies like Sorma Spa for the production of scales and packaging machinery for fruit and vegetables, Netpack and Sinclair (packaging and labeling equipment), Сеrmas (hardware for livestock and agro-industrial complex), TR (devices for quality control of fruits), Vivai Mazzoni (cultivation of fruits and berries).
Last year, dehkans and farmers of Uzbekistan gathered rich harvest of grain crops 8 million 50 thousand tons. Thanks to the change in the structure of sowing areas, in 2012-2014, production of vegetables increased by 16.3%, melons – 16.6%, fruits – by 21 percent.
In addition, the extension of gardens and vegetable plantations further enhances the interest in processing technologies and equipment.
The Maroqand meva-sabzavot farm in Jomboy district of Samarkand region organized an intensive garden on 650 hectares. Apples, pears, cherries, apricots and plums are grown on 50 hectares. The farm offers its services to those who interested in the intensive gardens.
In the sections of Poultry, Gardening and Livestock, appropriate equipment and services widely represented to develop and complete the installation of plants for the production of animal feed, the service equipment for storage and processing of grain.
A mobile application for the exhibition applied starting from this year. With its help possible find information about the location of pavilions and exhibits presented products, the list of participating companies, etc.
IA "Jahon"