Deputies Heard Reports of Political Parties

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On March 13, the regular meeting of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan was held.
In accordance with the constitutional powers, deputies heard reports of political parties on the sources of funding of their activities in 2014. The reports on this issue were made by the chairman of the Executive Committee of the Political Council of the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen – Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan S.Turdiev, chairman of the Central Council of the People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan H.Ketmonov, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Central Council of the Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Milliy Tiklanish” S.Otamuratov, chairman of the Executive Committee of the Political Council of the Social Democratic Party of Uzbekistan “Adolat” N.Umarov.
During the meetings, it was emphasized that in recent years the role and influence of political parties in addressing the most important public issues, the activities of Parliament of the Republic of Uzbekistan has increased. A reliable legal framework of development of political parties, in full compliance with generally accepted democratic standards and existing international standards is created. The elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, regional, city and district Kengashes (Councils) of people’s deputies have once again shown that political parties have every opportunity to promote and implement their program objectives, to protect the interests of the electorate. Equal conditions for campaigning at all its stages were created for them.
According to the Law “On financing of political parties”, each party if after the elections to the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis has received the required number of deputy seats to form a faction in the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis, is entitled to receive public funds for financing its statutory activities. Amounts of public funds have been established on the results of elections to the Legislative Chamber and distributed among the political parties entitled to receive them, in proportion to the number of deputy seats they received in the Legislative Chamber.
Financing of political parties in our country was carried out strictly according to the law on the basis of principles of legitimacy, openness, transparency and equality of political parties. All political parties provided access to information about their funding to their members and the public shall promptly publish information on the amount and sources of funding their activities.
At the meeting, it was also noted that all political parties of Uzbekistan provided the financial accounting in the manner and terms established by law.
During the discussion of this issue, deputies noted that the last parliamentary elections once again clearly demonstrated the increasing role of political parties in the life of independent Uzbekistan, which became an important condition for the democratic development of the young independent state, establishment of legal civil society. Deputies also emphasized the particular importance of parliamentary control in strengthening the financial discipline of political parties in connection with strengthening their role in socio-political life of the country, the practical implementation of tasks set by the head of our state.
According to deputies, material and financial, organizational, personnel and other resources of political parties are of great importance in practical implementation of their program goals and objectives, so it is very important that they are transparent and legitimate, have always been subject to public scrutiny. It was also emphasized that in the context of a multi-party system, increasing competition between political parties in parliament and society, this issue requires constant attention of deputies.
Taking into account the views expressed during the discussion, deputies took note of the reports of political parties on sources of funding their activities in 2014.
Information Service of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis