Discussion of the draft law

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At the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a «round table» dedicated to discussion of the draft law «On introducing amendments to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On protection and use of wildlife» was held.
The event was attended by deputies, representatives of ministries and departments, non-governmental organizations, scientists and specialists in the sphere of ecology.
Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, chairman of the Committee on the Issues of Ecology and Environment Protection B.Alikhanov and others noted that in the process of socio-economic reforms held in our country, a solid legal basis of rational use of nature is created. The Law «On protection and use of wildlife» adopted on December 26, 1997 is an important guide to action in implementation of priority tasks in this direction.
According to this law, large-scale work for the protection and rational use of fauna of our country, restoration of populations and conservation of natural habitats of animals is being held. Our country has joined a number of international conventions and agreements in this sphere, obligations of which are sequentially executed. Such work contributes to stability of environment, conservation and increase of populations of rare species, expansion of protected natural areas.
Global environmental processes growing in our planet, increasing technological and human impact on nature require expansionding the scope of work. The draft law «On introducing amendments to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan «On protection and use of wildlife» which is developed taking into account this vital need includes a number of priority areas of activities in this sphere.
During the event, reports devoted to the results of ongoing work on protection of wildlife, prospects of improving legislation relating to the sphere were heard. Views and suggestions on further improving the new draft law were expressed.
Information service of Legislative chamber of Oliy Majlis