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Currently, ecotourism is one of the industries that bring significant income to the national economy in most countries of the world. According to the World Tourism Organization, the income fr om this industry amounts to several trillion dollars a year.
As a result of intensive development of tourism and tourism services, several nontraditional types – ecotourism, agro-tourism, archaeological, ethnographic tourism, extreme tourism and others, which are noted by specialists as intensively developing spheres have begun to form in recent years. Ecotourism is one of the promising types of tourism that is quickly gaining momentum.
The Decree of the President of our country “On measures of ensuring accelerated development of tourism industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan” of December 2, 2016 serves as an important guide in improving the effectiveness of this work.
In Djizak region, special attention is paid to the development of tourism, especially ecotourism. In 2016, more than 23 thousand local and more than 4 thousand foreign tourists visited the region. In the first half of this year, the number of foreign tourists exceeded 3 thousand people. Most of them are nature lovers – eco-tourists.
It is known that ecotourism, unlike other spheres, is a profitable and low-cost business. There are ample opportunities for the development of ecotourism in the territory of Zaamin, Bakhmal, Farish, Gallaaral districts located in the mountain chain of Turkestan range.
– Ecotourism is becoming one of the most attractive types of tourism on a global scale, – says representative of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for tourism development in Djizak region L.Sanayeva. – Increasing the flow of eco-tourists is of considerable importance for improving the well-being of rural people. Taking this into account, special attention in the program of tourism development in the region in 2017-2021 is paid to the creation of modern tourism infrastructure. According to this program, 2 new hotels, 2 sanatoriums, more than 10 guest houses were put into operation in the region in the first half of this year. New tourism destinations are being opened.
Foreign tourists are very interested in Zaamin district with rich flora and fauna, juniper groves in the mountains. There are more than 700 types of wild plants, 150 species of unique and rare species of animals in “Zomin” People’s park with a unique ecosystem, in “Zomin” nature reserve, and in “Zomin” State forestry. Not only local, but also foreign tourists are interested in Uriklisoy Waterfall, Boboyongok 1000-year-old tree.
There are many monuments connected with the distant history of our people in Zaamin, mentioned in ancient sources. Special attention in the district is paid to the construction of new facilities, networks of household services, development of modern infrastructure in order to create amenities for tourists. This year, 2 new sanatoriums with 370 and 160 places are built and put into operation in the recreation area of Zaamin. There are guest houses for tourists in the villages of Uriklisoy, Khulkar, Usmonlisoy, Peshagor. Two more such guest houses have started their activity.
Tourists are fascinated by the purest mountain water, green gardens, organic fruits of Farish district. Foreign guests like the taste of bread, katyk (clabber), koumiss, butter produced by local residents.
There are more than ten guest houses in the district. Two more such hotels will be put into operation this year. They have appropriate certificates and have all necessary facilities.
The Aydar-Arnasay system of lakes, located between the Kyzylkum desert and Nurata mountain range, occupies a special place in ecotourism address list as natural territories wh ere rare species of flora and fauna are preserved.
Camping for 20 places was built and put into operation on the shore of the lake, in the village of Kyzylkum in Farish district, which became an important step towards the development of ecotourism in the region. Guest yurts for another 20 places are built near. All conditions for recreation of tourists, acquaintance with the unique nature of Kyzylkum, for hunting are created here.
All necessary conditions for tourists and hunters are created in recreation area of 1250 hectares, erected by the limited liability company “Oxus traver”, a recreation area of 573 hectares of “Djizaktogkonkimyo” limited liability company in the territory of a rural citizens’ gathering “Egizbulok”.
These are the first steps towards the development of ecotourism in the region. Entrepreneurs in cooperation with leading tour operators, state and public organizations are actively working on large-scale projects on development of this industry. These projects provide for the expansion of tourism routes, organization of tourist services, protection of the environment. Within their framework, seminars, training sessions for guides and owners of guest houses will be organized.
Ecotourism is not only a journey in the bosom of nature, but also an opportunity to get acquainted with the way of life of local residents. In this regard, special attention is paid to the protection of nature, the study of the way of life of local people, traditions and customs, samples of oral creativity in the projects of this direction. Another important aspect of working with active participation of the population is providing it with an additional source of income.