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“The Law “On electronic Government” came into force effective June 10, 2016. Delivering the essence and significance of this legal document to executive authorities and timely adoption of implementing regulations, without which it cannot operate properly, is an urgent task for parliamentarians.
Active utilization of modern information-communication technologies is not only an additional resource for raising the efficiency of economic entities’ activities, but is also a broad opportunity for optimizing the entire economic space and setting up conditions for equal and honest competition.
These tasks may only be efficiently solved along with the creation of a unified “electronic Government architecture” – a system of organizational and legal measures and technical means aimed at the effective operation of government agencies in providing services to physical and legal entities through the application of information-computer technologies (ICT). It’s important to admit that the “electronic Government” is not a supplement or an analogue of the traditional government, but merely defines a new method of interaction on the basis of active utilization of information-communication technologies.
Its introduction will harmonize relationships between the organs of Government authority and the population, increase the efficiency of public administration and transparency of procedures, their responsibility before the society and will provide an opportunity to easier and faster render services to the population, including business entities; will involve citizens in the process of self-service and will raise their level of technological literacy.
The adoption of the Law will also create for the subjects of entrepreneurship the effective communication environment, which will secure active business development process, its broad access to information arrays and provision of electronic-Government services.
The duty of public bodies to provide individuals and legal entities a wide range of electronic services established within the framework of the Law will help reduce the costs and time frame for the implementation of permit issuance procedures and eliminate unnecessary bureaucratic barriers on the way of their development.
One of the main tasks of the “electronic government” is transition of business entities to the use of electronic document turnover, including statistical reporting, customs clearances, issuance of licenses, permits and certificates, as well as obtaining information from Government authorities.
It should be noted that the MPs attached great attention to the timely and complete adoption of governance regulations by the bodies of Government authority and administration to secure the application of the rules of law. The results of monitoring indicate the need to intensify efforts to further improve the regulatory and legal framework in the sphere of introduction and operation of the “electronic Government”.
In particular, it is required, first and foremost, in compliance with the established legal procedures to timely approve standards for providing electronic government services, assessment methods of their delivery quality, performance targets for "electronic government" projects and others.
The deputies continue to conduct information-explanatory activities among the population, representatives of business community and the civil society institutions about the specific features of the new Law, about the system to guarantee their rights within the framework of the “electronic Government”.