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In the run-up to the 25h anniversary of Uzbekistan’s independence, an additional energy unit has been put into operation at the Angren thermal electric power station. This energy unit added 130-150 MW of electric power to the country’s energy generation capacity.
Consistent reforms being implemented under the leadership of the country’s President for the steady development of the energy sector are giving their high results.
Specifically, electric power generation has increased by 10 billion kWh compared with the mid 1990s. The electric power stations’ overall capacity rose by 1.9 million kW.
Today this country is among the world’s states that not only meet domestic demand for electricity but also export it.
The presidential resolution dated 15 December 2010 “On priorities of the development of the industry of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2011-2015’ specifies the main tasks and priority areas of the development of Uzbekistan’s industrial complex. In accordance with this document that envisages the further extension of structural reforms in industry, including the energy sector, the broad technical and technological modernization of industry, the introduction of the latest scientific achievements and advanced innovative technologies, the construction of this new energy unit was completed at the Angren thermal power station in a short space of time, 32 months.
Until now, the Angren thermal power station supplied 600 million kWh of electricity a year, and now it will raise this indicator to 869.36 million kWh. As a result, not only its power generation capacity increases, but also the production costs will decrease significantly.
“The electric power generation sector is one of the leading branches of our economy. Ensuring stable rates of economic growth, raising productivity and the population’s living standards depend on the development of this sphere very much,” says the director general of the Angrenskaya teplovaya elecktrostantsiya (the Angren thermal electric power station) joint-stock company, Dilshod Yolchiyev.
More than a thousand specialists and workers were involved in the construction project for quickly completing the building work. For the purpose of studying the experience of states with high results in this sphere, 21 employees of the the Angrenskaya teplovaya elecktrostantsiya joint-stock company attended a training course in China.
This project that serves to further improve the provision of electricity and heat for enterprises working in the Angren special industrial zone also plays an important role in training highly qualified specialists with extensive knowledge of the use of modern technologies and ensures the employment of graduates of vocational colleges. Young people account for the majority of the station’s workforce of more than 1,000.