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Classic songs and melodies give peace of mind, unite all people, regardless of their language, nationality and customs. In order to listen, feel and understand the music there is no need of an interpreter.
For the biennial international music festival "Sharq taronalari", performing the best examples of folk music of different nations is continually raising the interest in the world.
— This music festival becomes important in the comprehensive development of art, the support of its activists, the further expansion of international creative relations, the strengthening of cultural and spiritual cooperation and demonstrations all over the world our national art, prosperity and tourism potential of the country - said the winner of the International Music Festival "Sharq taronalari", People’s singer Abdulnabi Ibragimov from Uzbekistan. - In particular, it plays an important role in fostering talent and revealing new names.
The best artists who will perform the classic songs have been sel ected to participate in the festival.
Among them Kuvonchbek Dustmurod is the first time at this year’s music festival. After graduating fr om the State Institute of Arts and Culture of Uzbekistan, he became a soloist of the “Maqom” ensemble named after Yunus Rajabi with a creative union of artistic collectives of Uzbekistan.
— National music of different nations will be performed at the festival - said Kuvonchbek. – Performing at this music festival, which will bring together the world’s masters of the arts, is for us - the young performers, a huge responsibility and happiness.
"Shark Taronalari" is becoming more important and widely known to fans of art with the beautiful music of our people, their creative potential. As President of our country said, this festival is important and embodies the philosophy of the East and the world, the unique charm, grace and beauty, and its sounding melodies affect the hearts, charm and fascinate people.