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Esteemed women, dear mothers, beloved daughters and granddaughters!

These days, when in our blessed land long-awaited breath of spring becomes more stronger, a nature is awakening and renewing, it gives me great pleasure to congratulate all of you and in your face all women of Uzbekistan on the 8th of March.

Today, the male population of our country brings first of all a low bow, sincere feelings of love and respect to all of our women - priceless creation of the Almighty, and wishes the most beloved mothers, wives and sisters, daughters and granddaughters long life and health, happiness and joy during the life.

In fact, it is difficult to find and to express to you, our dear women, most sincere gratitude for your invaluable noble work for the sake of the continuation of the human race - from the little man to grow real citizen and a true defender of our Motherland.

As the embodiment of beauty, tenderness and love, you with the generosity of your soul you form a solid basis and foundation for a strong family, fill the deep content of life in every home and on the whole our society.

It would not be an exaggeration if I say that no matter what difficulties and problems we may face in life, and women - our companions give us the confidence and strength to overcome these barriers and to achieve goals.

Dear compatriots!

We are always gratefully acknowledge that women with their hard work, skills and responsibility, regardless of their area of activity or a profession, are making an enormous, with nothing comparable contribution to the achievement of our high goals - to become one of the developed democratic countries of the world, to provide a decent standard and quality of life of our people, to increase the country’s prestige in the international arena.

Today, hundreds of women-deputies are fruitfully working in the Oliy Majlis and local councils as the representatives of the people, thousands and thousands of women are employed in the state and public administration system, civil society institutions and non-governmental structures, and we express our great respect and appreciation for their tireless work for the benefit of our country and people.

Currently in Uzbekistan women hold leading positions in all priority areas and spheres. Among workers in areas such as education, culture and science, they make up 73 per cent, health care - 75 percent, in manufacturing industries - 42 per cent, agriculture - 43 per cent, which is a clear indication of their high potential and professionalism.

It should be also noted that women are managing more than 120 thousand small businesses, more than 4550 farms showing effective results.

Undoubtedly, all of us are glad that in achieving this high level of development of our society has a great contribution of activist-women of the makhalla, in particular, of consultants on religious enlightenment and spiritual-moral education who have a rich life experience. I consider it my duty on myself, and on behalf of all our people to express my sincere gratitude to the thousands of women who without sparing themselves give their all to ensure stable and healthy atmosphere in society, to strengthen peace and harmony in the family, especially to support of young families.

Dear women!

Today we are very pleased to say that from the first days of independence in our country on the path of building a free and prosperous life as a priority of public policy, consistent and extensive work are being carried out on the protection of the family, motherhood and childhood, ensuring the legitimate rights and interests of women, enhancing their role and status in society, and the successful outcome of our work in all these areas are of great interest and are being recognized in the world.

From this point of view, I think, it is enough to bring this fact: only in 2015 loans in the amount of 1 trillion 255 billion soums, which is amounted to 130 per cent compared with 2014, were allocated to women entrepreneurs.

Of course, the provision of such assistance and support is an important practical step towards creating the necessary conditions for the demonstration and realization of abilities and creative potential of women, providing them with dignified participation in society.

At the same time measures on the employment of more than 230 thousands of girls who graduated professional colleges, were adopted last year. More than 6 thousand of them, who want to start their own businesses, were given more than 51 billion soums of credits. All this contributes to the solution of very important question - employment of youth and population generally.

In addition, over the past two years, we built and handed over 57 residential buildings of "Kamolot" for 2080 apartments to young families. Thousands of young boys and girls were given preferential mortgage and consumer loans, and this practice is expanding.

It is gratifying that our enormous-scale work aimed at the formation of harmoniously developed generation, gives impressive results. A clear proof is the fact that in 2015, 1668 the athletes of Uzbekistan, including 567 women, took part in international competitions and won 983 medals, our young talents won 137 prizes at prestigious international competitions, 76 of them were awarded the Grand Prix.

At the same time we are well aware of that we still have much to do in terms of creating opportunities and conditions for women, facilitating their household chores, fuller realization of their knowledge and skills.

I would like to emphasize in this context that it is of great significance of growing our young people who is entering into the life as an independent thinker and motivated people who have knowledge and experience, are able to take responsibility for a decent future of the country.

Speaking about this, I think, for all of us it is very important to pay attention to the education of girls, especially in rural areas, so that in the future they can take their rightful place in our society, can become true homemakers and support for a strong and happy family.

A simple, yet vital truth concerning the future of all our people which we must never forget, lies at the core of this approach. Namely - in girls, we first have to see mothers. Undoubtedly, if the girl is physically and mentally healthy, educated, she acquires a modern profession and later builds a happy family. The children who were born in such families will be healthier and happier. In the end - if the family is healthy and happy, so all society will be stable and prosperous.

It is natural that the announcement of 2016 in our country as the Year of a healthy mother and child, in the first place is aimed at achieving aforementioned noble goal. To personally imagine the scale and depth of the work done by us, should only to say that a total of 7 trillion 483 billion 300 million soums and 194.4 million dollars are allocated for the realization of the programs of this year.

Speaking about the planned measures in the program, firstly, it should be noted that our focus will further be on topical issues such as strengthening the material-technical base of medical institutions, especially the family clinics and rural health units, training of obstetricians and pediatricians, an increase in the number of visiting nurses.

It’s no secret that in today’s world, in an era of global change and rapidly changing environment life itself requires from all of us to raise to a new level of works on further strengthen an atmosphere of mutual respect, kindness and compassion, harmony and unity, fencing of youth from alien negative mentalities and spiritualities, destructive ideas and tendencies, from the negative impact of "mass culture", to this end, strengthen education in families, makhallas.

Dear women, mothers and sisters!

In this wonderful spring holiday with all my heart I wish you all good health and success, family warmth, prosperity and well-being of your home.

May you are always accompanied by happiness and luck, never leave the beauty and love!

May all your most cherished dreams and noble aspirations come true!

Islam Karimov,
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan