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Publishing house of the National Library named after Alisher Navoi printed book in the series "The History of Information Culture of Uzbekistan", the press service of the library reports.
Its author is a doctor of historical sciences Erkin Ahundjanov. The introduction of work noted that the book has passed all stages in the evolution of the ancient ways of organizing a text message as the inscription on the stone, clay and wood plates to leather and paper books, scrolls, and the IV century BC and books - code.
It also absorbed the moral values, the achievements of scientific thought. On its pages imprinted work of world-famous scientists, poets, philosophers such as Muhammad al-Khwarizmi, Ahmad al-Ferghani, Al-Farabi, Abu Rayhan Beruni and Abu Ali Ibn Sina, who made a great contribution to the treasury of world science and culture.
The first chapter of the new edition presents methodological foundations of history books and book culture. The next - the historical evolution of culture and traditions of writing and book business in Turkestan during the V - VII century BC.
The final third chapter is devoted to book publishing in Turkestan in the Middle Ages.
This book is the first of a series planned for release monographs. It, along with the general methodological plans, issues in the history of Central Asia (Turkestan), writing systems and documents, literacy and education, correspondence and decoration of manuscripts on various branches of knowledge, the history of book publishing industry: book publishing (reproduction of the handwritten books) library, bibliographic and bookselling business. In the second, third and fourth books in the amount of published scientific research perspective will be presented the history of information culture in Turkestan (1867-1917), Uzbekistan (1917-1991) And in the years of independent development of sovereign Uzbekistan.
IA "Jahon"