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The Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan held a discussion at the "round table" on "The legal basis for food security".

It was attended by MPs, senior officials of the Ministries of Agriculture and Water Resources, Health of Uzbekistan, the State Committee for Nature Protection, the scientists of research institutes and universities, environmental activists.

Deputy Speaker of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis B.Alikhanov, chairman of the House Committee on International Affairs and Interparliamentary Relations U.Mukhammadi and others noted that reforms conducted in Uzbekistan are aimed at profound diversification of agriculture and full provision of basic kinds of food, as well as ensuring a high the competitiveness of fruit and vegetable products in the international market.

The peculiarity of the growing season in this country is that it starts from the first days of March, when naturally grow green culture, and continues almost all year until early December, when the market come late varieties of grapes, melons, persimmons, quince and other products. For its high nutritional value, it has a rich content of natural sugars, amino acids needed for a healthy body and a variety of essential trace elements in the diet of biological substances Uzbekistan products valued more than their counterparts grown in other regions of the world.

Culture of vegetable growing and gardening formed in Uzbekistan has been based on the principles of agriculture, involving the use of local fertilizers. This allows you to grow environmentally friendly products, has an excellent taste and nutritional characteristics, without the use of genetic modification technology. Of course, a worthy contribution to this made by the breeders of the country. Through their research created more than 170 varieties of the medium, early- and late-ripening vegetable, melons and potatoes, 175 new varieties of fruits, spices and grapes.

The meeting participants noted that since the first years of independence in our country food security is defined as one of the priorities of public policy over the past period created a strong legislative base.

At the event were put forward and discussed proposals for amendments and additions to the Law "On quality and food safety," "On Technical Regulation", "The Seed", "On Protection of Consumer Rights", "On veterinary medicine", "On State Sanitary Inspection".

IA "Jahon"