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In our country, the conditions and opportunities for active development of small business and private entrepreneurship. Presidential Decree "On measures to ensure reliable protection of private property, small business and private entrepreneurship, the removal of barriers to their rapid development" of May 15 this year, is an important policy document in the improvement of this work.
In hokimiat of Mirzo-Ulugbek district of Tashkent hosted an event dedicated to the execution of this decree. Head of Tashkent city administration R.Usmanov and others noted that in our country under the leadership of President Islam Karimov paid special attention to enhancing the role of private property in the economy, the removal of barriers and constraints to the development of private property and private enterprise, reduce state involvement in the economy, growth in the share the private sector in the gross domestic product.
In accordance with the decree of all checks of micro, small businesses, farmers held supervisory authorities routinely every four years, in other economic entities - based on the decision of the National Council on coordination of controlling bodies not more than once every three years. The period of scheduled inspections of business entities not related to the financial and economic activities, is not more than 10 calendar days.
Currently, the Mirzo-Ulugbek district 6132 business entities were registered, 5015 of them - small business objects. In the district there are such large industrial enterprises as JV "Tashkent paints and varnishes plant", stock enterprises "Mahsusenergogaz", "Uzneftgazinformatika" LLC "Apartak", State Unitary Enterprise "Transroadconstruction".
In the framework of the program of social and economic development of the region in 2014 347 investment projects were sold, investment amounted to 103.7 million USD.
Implementation of investment projects in various industrial sectors and service system provides high rates of socio-economic development of the region.
At the event, senior officials of the relevant departments and organizations answered the questions of entrepreneurs.