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Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution "On measures on further improvement of the Governmental portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the Internet in view of open data".
According to the Ministry for the development of information and communication technologies in Uzbekistan, the document approved the Regulations on Open Data Portal, which defines its objectives and tasks, as well as the procedure for interaction among the operator of the Portal, suppliers and users of open data.
It also notes that the supplier is required to provide periodic updates posted open data to keep them up to date and use by users, for information and commercial purposes to create various types of applications.
In accordance with the Decree the Ministry of Development of Information Technologies and Communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan is the responsible body for the development and further development of the Open Data Portal.
At the same time, government and economic management and khokimiyats are entrusted to create the section "Open Data" on their official web site. At the same time, the list of open data which is subject to mandatory publication on the official websites of state bodies and on the Portal, are approved by the Republican Commission for the Coordination of implementation of the Comprehensive program of national information and communication system development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2013-2020.
Currently, on the Open Data Portal was placed 511 thematic collections from 50 state agencies and institutions. Open data has been used by more than 83,400 times.
IA "Jahon"