For consular and visa issues, please contact the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Berlin:
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Tel.: +49 30 394 098 30/80
Fax: +49 30 394 098 62
Hotline of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Uzbekistan:
+998 71 233 28 28

These days in Uzbekistan there is a delegation of industrial enterprises, financial and trade companies and managers of companies, who produce chemical, optical, electro technical productions under the the leadership of chancellor of Chiba University of commerce Haruo Shimada.
Our information: Chiba University of commerce was founded in 1927 as a School of Commerce. There are 5 faculties in following directions: Commerce and economy, political and social investigation, innovation in service industries.
Chiba University of Commerce cooperate with the USA, Korea, People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Vietnam, India, Australia, Great Britain and Canada.
In the frame of visit in our country, japanese delegation had a meeting at the University of world economy and diplomacy.
At meeting representatives of rising sun were acquainted with history, culture and modern socio-economic development of Uzbekistan.
Also was presented information about educational system of Uzbekistan, as it is very important factor of comprehensively developed upbringing of young generation.
During the interview with Information Agency "Jahon" Head of japanese delegation, the rector of Chiba University of Commerce Haruo Shimada noted the following:
— Uzbekistan gave us unforgettable impressions. Your country can be proud of success, achieved for short period of time. We got very interested in educational system of the Republic. Reforms being made in this sphere serve as a very important factor of comprehensively developed upbringing of young generation
In modern schools, colleges and academic lyceums, institutes of higher education were made all conditions for students for getting deep knowledge, showing potential and getting professions. We came to the conclusion, that cumulative experience must recommended to other countries as an example.
Besides, during the accompaniment of Japanese businessmen, they expressed their interest in capital investments in Uzbek economy. Favorable invest climate, created in Uzbekistan, presence of huge amount of natural recourses, development of infrastructure and intellectual potential make your country very perspective partner for the business.
IA "Jahon"