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As previously reported, Tashkent hosted an international conference "Ensuring labor rights: the experience of Uzbekistan and international labor standards".
It was attended by members of the Senate and the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis, representatives of ministries and departments, international and public organizations of our country, foreign experts.
Addressing the meeting shared their views and vision of the situation on the protection of labor rights.
Special Adviser to the Director General of the International Labour Organization Kari Tapiola:
— Uzbekistan has done significant work to ensure the labor rights of citizens. A solid national legislative framework and to respect fully international legal acts. The scaling up of social partnership is crucial General Agreement between the Government of the country, the Council of Federation of Trade Unions and the Chamber of Commerce of Uzbekistan. We are interested in further expansion of cooperation with Uzbekistan.
International expert Harri Taliga (Estonia):
— We are convinced that Uzbekistan created a national legislative framework in the workplace is an important and reliable basis for the consistent implementation of reforms aimed at ensuring employment. An effective mechanism for employment of youth is being formed. Uzbekistan through the consistent implementation of the requirements of the ILO Conventions it manifests itself as a reliable partner and is working in this direction concrete successes. It is worthy of special recognition.
Director of the International Department of the Confederation of Trade Unions of Japan Hitochi Takizuma:
— Through participation in the international conference, we learned about the experience of Uzbekistan in the field of labor rights, shared their experience with Uzbek colleagues, we agreed to expand and strengthen our cooperation.
The conference highlighted that formed in Uzbekistan labor law, implemented measures to improve social and labor relations is fully consistent with international standards and give good results, which could be an example for others. In particular, fully guaranteed the right to work and decent pay, there are specific benefits and guarantees for some categories of workers, especially young people, to create decent working conditions for women, they are provided with additional leave to care for a child.
The event has been extensively discussed good results of the General Agreement concluded between the Government, the Council of Federation of Trade Unions and the Chamber of Commerce of Uzbekistan. It contributes to the further improvement of the nature and content of sectoral and regional agreements as well as collective agreements in enterprises, organizations and institutions. These documents provide for such matters as employment of workers, including women and youth, in accordance with their qualifications, creation of additional jobs for the socially vulnerable citizens, the organization of retraining and advanced training of employees.
It was noted that the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan taken systematic measures to enhance the protection of workers’ rights. The trade unions of the country assisted in the implementation of government programs to create jobs, carry out public control in this field. Conducted systematic work to involve the trade unions of enterprises and organizations of non-state sector, including joint ventures, private, family-owned businesses.
Conference participants appreciated the experience gained in Uzbekistan to ensure the labor rights of citizens. In particular, it was emphasized that in the context of the global financial and economic crisis in our country achieved great success in stimulating demand for labor, protection of jobs and the expansion of social protection, social dialogue and protecting the rights of employees in the workplace.
There were also heard reports on issues such as labor rights of citizens and how they provide on the basis of national legislation and international standards, the activity of Trade Unions to ensure workers’ rights, the role of the International Labour Organization in the implementation of international labor standards.
IA "Jahon"