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These days in the committees of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis held a preliminary review of laws in preparation for the II Plenary of the upper house of parliament, which will take place on May 15-16 2015.
Members of the Senate Committee on the Budget and Economic Reforms, working in regions of the country, during a preliminary review of the laws in the new edition of "On the Securities Market", "On electronic commerce" and the law "On compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier" held meetings with members of the local Kengashes, representatives of state bodies and non-profit organizations, academic institutions, experts and scholars in all regions of the republic.
During the meetings, the senators told about the main provisions of the law in question, their nature and value, noting that these laws are aimed primarily at improving the business environment and investment climate in the country, giving more freedom to entrepreneurs, protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.
— Review of the Law "On obligatory insurance of civil liability of the carrier" is planned to put on the agenda of the second plenary session of the Senate, - said the member of the Senate of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan G. Hojaniyazov (Republic of Karakalpakstan). - Pursuant to the program of action of the Senate in the 2015 and subsequent years the members of our committee considered the law with the assistance of deputies in the field of the insurance market experts, lawyers, representatives of civil institutions. They are unanimous in their opinion that there is nothing more precious than human life and health. With the increase in traffic, the extensive development of transport services, increase in traffic is necessary to ensure the safety of passenger transportation. Of course, the carriers must be held accountable to the society and the law for the safety of their passengers. To ensure that responsibility is intended to proposed new law system of compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier. It covers all modes of transport throughout the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Such experience successfully operating in many countries. I am convinced that this legal act will play a significant role in the national system to guarantee compensation for damage caused to passengers, as well as ensure the protection of property interests of carriers.
— Today, without the involvement of private capital in the economy and its integration with the help of the issuing, first of all stocks, bonds, it would be impossible to create and develop new businesses and industries, - said a member of the Senate of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan I.Urokov (Navoi region). - Therefore, the development of the securities market is an essential condition for economic development. Of course, in parallel and in many cases even ahead of the changing realities and needs of the market economy must be improved and developed legal mechanisms of regulation of relations in this sphere. In my opinion, the new edition of the Law "On securities market" reflects the new trends in this market segment. I think that the approval of this edition will serve to further development of the securities market, the expansion of opportunities for investors, and thus - even more active involvement of private capital in the economy of the region and the country as a whole.
— The integration of our country into the world economic system necessitates the introduction of advanced technologies, including in the sphere of business not only in appearance but also in the domestic market, - said the deputy of the Namangan Regional Council of deputies Makhmudov. - The current level of ICT development and commerce requires more detailed regulation of relations in the field of e-commerce. The new edition of the Law "On electronic commerce" is aimed at improving this sector. It will contribute to the creation of additional conditions for the development of entrepreneurship and improve the business environment, as well as the organization of the market technological infrastructure that meets international standards.
The work of the Senate committee on the preliminary review of laws, that is planned to put on the agenda of the forthcoming plenary session of the Senate, continues.
IA "Jahon"