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According to the press service of the upper house of the Uzbek parliament, the Senate will consider 11 issues, including six laws, at its upcoming session.
Senators will consider a law “On introduction of changes and amendments to some legislative acts of Uzbekistan directed at further strengthening reliable protection of private property, subjects of entrepreneurship and eliminating barriers for their speed development”.
The adoption of the law will contribute to the reliable protection of private property, the removal of barriers and obstacles to entrepreneurship, the unconditional application of privileges and preferences granted to businesses, ensure the inevitability of responsibility of officials of law enforcement, regulatory and other government agencies for obstructing and unlawful interference in the activities of the business entities.
Senators will also discuss the law of Uzbekistan “On investment and mutual funds”. Adoption of the law will contribute to the creation of institutional mechanisms, which will enhance business activities in the country, create an effective system of collective investment for population, business entities and entrepreneurs to invest temporarily free funds in a variety of priority investment projects.
During the plenary session, the Senate will consider the law “On physical culture and sports” (new edition) and “On the sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population”.
Members of the Senate in accordance with the constitutional authority will hear a report on the activities of the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan in 2014.