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Article "The automobile industry strengthens the country’s export potential" published on the pages of the monthly business magazine "Industrial Kyrgyzstan". The publication is dedicated to the development of automobile industry in Uzbekistan.
The article emphasizes that the automotive industry, established in the years of independence, is now one of the fastest growing sectors of the national economy. "Currently the automotive industry includes a number of enterprises equipped with the most modern technology and equipment. Development strategy, which is based on the establishment of equal and mutually beneficial relations with the leading companies of the world, promotes the production of competitive products to the world standards", - the article says.
The source informs that in the automotive industry of Uzbekistan, as well as in other areas, work on a large-scale localization projects continues. In particular, release of the necessary spare parts and components is being established. Thanks to the production of spare parts foreign currency are being saved, production costs are being reduced and more jobs are being created. Today within the Program of localization a lot of joint ventures has been organized in the country, which are specializing in the production of spare parts and complicated parts on quality not inferior to foreign analogues. In addition, enterprises themselves included in the localization program, get a number of tax and customs privileges, allowing them to be more competitive in the market and reduce production costs.
Along with this, the article stresses that last year the enterprise "Uzavtosanoat" provided output to 16 projects for 141.1 billion soums. In addition, on the territory of Khorezm region five projects of localization of car spare parts of Damas model, were implemented.
At the same time, as the magazine emphasizes, industry enterprises do not stop on achieved and set new goals for the further development of the production of parts and components, as well as improve the country’s export potential. "In particular, such an enterprise as JV Uzsungwoo today produces 120 thousand sets of stamped parts and assemblies, - reported in the material. - Work is under way to establish the export and supply of products. Therefore, at the end of last year, the company carried out the first exports of automotive components in Brazil. When negotiating on cooperation with General Motors do Brasil LTD its samples were sent for testing. After receiving the approval of the foreign partner, the parties entered into a contract for export".
IA "Jahon", Bishkek