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June 20, 2017
Shavkat Mirziyoev sends condolences to President of Portugal
Renewable energy to draw 314,1bn soums
Uzbekistan introduces technologies to increase transparency of government purchases
Delegation of Uzbekistan to visit Tajikistan
Uzbekistan: Supernova Outburst
Shavkat Mirziyoev sends condolences to President of Portugal
On 19 June, President Shavkat Mirziyoev sent a letter to the President of the Portuguese Republic Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa in connection with wildfires that cause human casualties and destruction.
"Please accept my sincere condolences and convey my sympathy and support to all Portuguese people, as well as the families and friends of those killed and injured", - the message of the President of Uzbekistan states.
One of the most devastating fires in Portuguese history took the lives of at least 62 people, more than 50 people suffered burns of varying degrees.
Renewable energy to draw 314,1bn soums
An extensive work has been carried out in Uzbekistan in recent years, to improve the energy efficiency in sectors of the economy and the social sphere, as well as extending the use of renewable energy sources.
In particular, pursuant to the Decree of the President dated March 1, 2013 "On measures for further development of alternative sources of energy" and the presidential decree dated 5 May 2015 "On Program of measures to reduce energy consumption, implement energy saving technologies in industries and the social sector in 2015-2019", following targets have been achieved:
— Republican Commission on energy efficiency and development of renewable energy sources was established in the structure of the Ministry of economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
— International institute of solar energy was established in Tashkent;
— a road map for development of solar energy in Uzbekistan was developed with the support of the Asian Development Bank;
— number of projects were initiated for construction of large solar photovoltaic power plants in Surkhandarya, Namangan and Navoi regions.
Meantime, today, there are a number of unresolved issues preventing the further accelerated development of alternative sources of energy.
With this in mind, the head of state adopted a new decree "On measures on further development of renewable energy, energy efficiency in sectors of the economy and social sphere for 2017-2021," aimed at further reduction of energy intensity of gross domestic product, reducing the production costs and expanding the use of energy from renewable sources.
More than 314,1bn soums are set to be channelled from the State budget towards these purposes (currency rates of CB RU from 20.06.2017, 1$= 3930.91 soums).
Uzbekistan introduces technologies to increase transparency of government purchases
As part of the Action Strategy, the Uzbek Republican Commodity Exchange (UZEX) has been running several promising projects to increase the transparency of public procurement and provide additional opportunities for small businesses.
The conduct of electronic auction bids on government purchases directly on the UZEX specialized information portal is the key criterion for ensuring transparency and publicity of the procurement of goods and services for the needs of budgetary organizations. At the moment, procurement announcements, their schedule, results of electronic trading, registers of guaranteeing and unfair suppliers are placed in the open part of the UZEX portal, allowing to ensure effective state and public control over their implementation.
In the current year, UZEX portal has been updated and upgraded within the framework of the Action Strategy. The project allowed expanding access to exchange information, introducing new services that have increased transparency and effectiveness of electronic trading. The new design of the portal is based on usability, corporate style and latest trends in e-commerce. The new tools have optimally simplified the visualization of the most popular resources and key indicators of UZEX.
Moreover, the functionality of the personal account for public procurement has been significantly expanded as an additional convenience for the UZEX customers. The procedure of filling in electronic applications has been simplified in practice, a supplier assessment system was introduced, and a function of automatic entry generation has been launched in accordance with the number specified in the procurement schedule.
Specific attention is paid to the development of healthy competition in public procurement through drawing new suppliers to electronic trading, a large part of which are business representatives.
UZEX and the Electronic Government Development Center organized interaction of their databases to simplify the procedure of accreditation and participation of entrepreneurs in the electronic public procurement system.
The UZEX official channel and the bot in the Telegram messenger are very popular among entrepreneurs. The reference resources help them to track the latest news of the exchange, download instructions for participation in electronic trading, get information on tariffs for electronic procurement services, and other information they need.
UZEX specialists also developed D-Xarid - a new mobile application for public procurement, which provides an opportunity for suppliers to participate in electronic trading via mobile devices. In just 10 days since its placement in the Google Play apps store, the number of downloads of this application has exceeded 700.
In general, the development of healthy and fair competition during electronic auction bids contributes to the decrease in the cost of public procurement and increase in budgetary savings. In the near future, it is planned to improve the UZEX online training website It is also planned to use it for online testing of employees of budgetary organizations and provide them with automatic access to electronic trading.
Other promising UZEX projects envisage the introduction of new ways of electronic procurement, streamlining of the feedback system in its territorial branches, as well as adoption of the B2C model of e-commerce, which implies broad involvement of individuals to trading.
According to experts, the implementation of innovative projects contributes to accelerated development of all UZEX trading platforms, including the system of electronic public procurement, which has been successfully operating with UZEX since 2011.
In particular, the intensive introduction of information and communication technologies in exchange activities over the past six years has helped to quadruply the total volume of transactions concluded on the public procurement exchange, and bring it to 668 billion soums in 2016. In 2011-2016, savings of budget funds increased more than sevenfold, from 22 billion to 161 billion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 20.06.2017, 1$= 3930.91 soums). At the same time, the number of small businesses active in the D-Xarid electronic system increased from 5,000 to 42,000 entrepreneurs.
Positive dynamics of bigs has been traced this year too. So, in the first quarter of 2017, the aggregate amount of electronic public procurement amounted to 114 billion soums, which is 28% higher YOY. Savings of budget funds increased by 37% and reached 30 billion soums. The share of small businesses in the supply of goods, works and services for public procurement was 99% of the number and volume of transactions. During the auction, each application received an average 15 crossing offers.
In the electronic catalog, essential goods were purchased for 9.4 billion soums, with 27% increase YOY. The amount of budgetary savings in this trading platform has grown from 2 billion to 5 billion soums.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
Delegation of Uzbekistan to visit Tajikistan
A delegation of Uzbekistan will arrive in Dushanbe (Tajikistan) on 20 June to conduct Uzbek-Tajik negotiations.
According to the Uzbek Foreign Ministry, Deputy Prime Minister Ulugbek Rozukulov will head the Uzbek delegation.
Representatives of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan during the talks will discuss practical issues of expanding cooperation in trade, economic, investment and other areas with reaching to specific agreements, including outcome of the upcoming business forum with the participation of representatives of business circles of Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.
Uzbekistan: Supernova Outburst
At the Maydanak Observatory of the Astronomical Institute under the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, a supernova explosion was detected at the end of May.
“What we observed on May 25 - one of the most grandiose phenomena in the universe”, -said the director of the institute Shuhrat Egamberdiyev. “The outbreak occurred in the spiral galaxy NGC 3938, in the constellation Ursa Major”.
According to modern concepts, stars, like people, are born, live and die. Moreover, all these processes occur constantly in our days. At the final stage of development, some of them explode. At that moment, an unbelievably large amount of incandescent matter in the depths of the star is thrown into the surrounding space. The brightest star appears in stars’ place of a hardly visible or not visible from the Earth. Observation of such phenomena sheds light on the understanding of the fundamental questions of the universe - the evolution of stars. Depending on the mass of the residue, a neutron star or a black hole forms on the spot of the flashed star.
The supernova star which received the number SN 2017ein, was detected on May 25 as part of the monitoring program for nearby galaxies that is being conducted at the Maidanak Observatory for international cooperation with the world’s leading observatories. At present, astronomers of Uzbekistan continue to conduct a continuous survelliance on SN 2017ein for the purpose of studying the brightness of the star in detail.
It is worth noting that such outbursts happen quite often. One of them occurred in the far 1006 year. Recently, the German scientists in a unique manuscript "Kitab al-Shifa" by Abu Ali Ibn Sina kept in the famous Bodleian Library in the UK, found a detailed description of this phenomenon. It is known that Ibn Sina from 1002 to 1008 worked in the Khorezm Academy of Mamun, so this work is new in the history of studying its activities. In addition, this fact shows how wide was the range of scientific interests of our great compatriot who is better known for his work in the field of philosophy and medicine.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)
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