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August 18, 2017

President of the Republic of Uzbekistan received the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Uzbekistan: People should see their defender in every employee of internal affairs bodies

AMMC set to channel $420mn towards development of "Yoshlik II" deposit

Following the way of creation and well-being

Achievements in development of motor transport for years of independence

Meeting at the Ministry of Defense

Strategy of Actions: Results and Prospects

Photographs and Portraits Expose the Great Statesman


President of the Republic of Uzbekistan received the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On August 17, President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev received the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan Saken Jasuzakov, who is in our country on an official visit.
The head of our state, greeting the guest, noted with deep satisfaction the dynamically developing fruitful cooperation between our two countries.
It was emphasized that an intensification of interaction in all directions is being observed due to regular contacts at the highest level.
The volume of trade is growing at a steady pace, large joint projects are being implemented in various sectors of the economy, practical cooperation in the sphere of road, rail and air communication has been significantly expanded, partnership between the regions is being strengthened, joint cultural and humanitarian events are being conducted in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.
Development of military and military-technical cooperation is indicated as an important and promising direction of bilateral relations.
In particular, during the conversation, issues of effective cooperation between the defense departments of our states, including in the sphere of industrial cooperation and training of military personnel, were considered.
S.Jasuzakov expressed deep gratitude to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev for the warm welcome and conveyed sincere greetings and best wishes of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.
The guest emphasized the interest and readiness of his country to further expand the Kazakhstan – Uzbekistan mutually beneficial partnership in the military and military-technical spheres.
(Source: UzA)

Uzbekistan: People should see their defender in every employee of internal affairs bodies
On August 17, a video-selector meeting dedicated to the state of affairs, problems and further tasks in the system of internal affairs bodies was held in Tashkent under the chairmanship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev.
It was attended by the heads of the Oliy Majlis chambers, the Prime Minister and his deputies, state advisers to the President, heads of several ministries and departments. Chairman of the Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan, khokims of the regions and the city of Tashkent, their deputies on issues of youth and women, officials of public organizations, structural divisions of the internal affairs bodies attended the meeting through a videoconference.
Issues of ensuring a peaceful and tranquil life of the population, combating crime and delinquency, ensuring public order and security occupy the most important and priority place in the state policy pursued by the President of our country. Indeed, this issue is the most important condition and guarantee of successful implementation of all socio-economic reforms, modernization and renovation of our country. Therefore, the head of our state constantly forwards this extremely difficult task on radical reforming the system of internal affairs bodies, increasing the effectiveness of its activities at the modern level.
Large-scale activities have been carried out in the sphere over the past short period, especially on prevention of crime. New methods of work have been introduced in activities of law enforcement agencies, complete legal system has been formed.
Position of deputy khokims of various levels and heads of city departments of internal affairs on the issues of youth is introduced for increasing the effectiveness of preventive measures at places.
Parliamentary and public control in the sphere is strengthened. A new system has been created on critical discussion of reports of responsible persons and evaluation of their activities in the Senate and local Kengashes.
Republican interdepartmental commissions are organized on crime prevention and crime counteracting, on affairs of minors.
The most important thing is that every Thursday of the week is declared as the Day of prevention of offenses, systemic, targeted and unconditional fulfillment of events scheduled for this day is ensured.
As a result, crime is declining. So, for the past 7 months of this year the number of crimes decreased by 4600 compared to the same period of the last year. In particular, the number of cases of premeditated murder decreased by 72, intentional infliction of heavy bodily harm – by 75, robbery – by 81, hooliganism – by 401.
It is also very important that the number of crimes committed by minors and women is reduced by 12,8 and 3,84 percent, respectively.
No crimes were committed in 1765 makhallas as a result of large-scale preventive measures carried out in makhallas together with public institutions.
Information and communication technologies are widely used in the sphere. Nearly 10 thousand crimes have been solved in the city of Tashkent, Andijan, Namangan, Fergana, Kashkadarya and Tashkent regions with the use of over 114 thousand video surveillance facilities installed in public places.
At the same time, the analysis shows that work in this direction in some regions is carried out “for a tick”, whereupon the situation does not change in a positive way. The effectiveness of preventive measures is provided not in all regions.
The head of our state noted that the leadership of the Ministry of internal affairs is limited only to reports on committed crimes and indicators of their disclosure, does not pay serious attention to the collection and continuous analysis of information on preventive measures carried out in the regions and their effectiveness, daily coordination of activities of internal affairs bodies at places.
There are also other problems awaiting solution in the ministry’s system.
The President of our country noted that the work carried out in some regions on prevention of crime and early prevention of crimes is unsatisfactory. For example, crime rates across the country have declined, but had risen in Samarkand region. The number of crimes committed by women in Bukhara, Navoi, Fergana regions and the Republic of Karakalpakstan has increased.
At the same time, despite repeated discussion of this issue, not enough attention is paid at places to prevention. So, there were all possibilities to prevent 14 out of 49 murders committed in Samarkand region, 4 out of 10 murders in Djizak, 3 out of 10 murders in Navoi, 6 out of 30 murders in Kashkadarya regions. Activists of the makhalla and prevention inspectors, despite suspicions and indications of likelihood of committing these crimes, did not take necessary measures.
Another important issue – people still haven’t weaned fr om outdated notion that prevention of crime is only the task of internal affairs bodies. So, every fifth serious crime is committed on family and household motives. Makhallas, women’s committees with due diligence and study of family disagreements, could prevent these cases, said the head of our state.
In this regard, the leadership of “Makhalla” and “Nuroniy” funds, the Women’s committee, the Union of Youth are instructed to draw appropriate conclusions and jointly take necessary measures on identifying and eliminating causes of family conflicts, disagreements between neighbors and other similar cases, reconciliation of the parties.
It was noted at the meeting that preventive activities with persons released from places of execution of punishment, implementation of administrative supervision over them, are also of great importance. There are also certain shortcomings in this sphere. About 12 thousand persons of this category are subject to administrative supervision, but these measures were not taken in respect of 6377 of them. Although this kind of supervision serves as a guarantee that they will not re-enter the path of crime and delinquency. Through social support of every convicted person, it is necessary to ensure that he sees not an enemy but a friend in the state and society. It was noted that special attention should be paid to the employment of persons of this category.
The head of our state noted that modern threats and challenges in the form of international terrorism, religious extremism, the spread of destructive ideas in society, especially among youth, require responsible departments to take decisive measures on their timely prevention and suppression.
Many measures, programs have been taken at places, but a significant part of them remains on paper.
We must pay special attention to working with persons who have been abroad for a long time. It was revealed that in 2017 more than 67 thousand of our compatriots returned from abroad. Leaders at places should give all kinds of assistance to such persons, create decent conditions so that they could work in their home country, live in their homes, with their families, so that such people would not wander in a foreign country in searching for a job. However, many of our citizens, who have returned from abroad, are not provided with work, which indicates a lack of attention paid to this issue on the part of responsible organizations.
The head of our state pointed to the weak activity aimed at preventing inappropriate and criminal acts among minors, protecting their rights, freedoms and legitimate interests, forming law-abiding and legal culture.
The bodies that carry out supervisory and preventive activities in this sphere are working in an inconsistent manner. There is still an out-of-date notion: the school is responsible for the child at school, at home – parents, in the makhalla – activists.
In the regions, the issue of working with unorganized youth is out of the sight of managers. Crime rates among unorganized youth remain high in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, the city of Tashkent, Djizak, Namangan, Andijan, Kashkadarya and Surkhandarya regions.
With this in mind, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Ministry of internal affairs have been instructed to critically analyze activities of deputy khokims and heads of internal affairs bodies at all levels on youth issues and make relevant proposals.
At the meeting, the work on disclosure of crimes, capture and detention of criminals was criticized. To date, 3186 crimes have not been solved, only 5250 people have been detained out of 15958 persons declared wanted. No one can guarantee that they, while still at loose, do not continue to commit crimes. Therefore, the Prosecutor general’s office, the Ministry of internal affairs, the National security service, the Supreme court, together with relevant organizations, are charged with critically analyzing activities carried out by the internal affairs bodies in this direction and providing relevant information.
President Shavkat Mirziyoyev noted that at the heart of all shortcomings there is unsatisfactory state of work on selection, placement and retraining of personnel in the internal affairs bodies. This is evidenced by the fact that in the current year, 223 criminal cases have been opened against employees of internal affairs bodies, 462 employees have been brought to disciplinary responsibility.
At the same time, there are cases of concealment of crimes committed by members of the internal affairs bodies. This is nothing more than the desire to artificially lower crime rates, protect their employees.
A new procedure for admission to the Academy of the Ministry of internal sffairs with the abolition of tests was introduced for effective solution of personnel issue in the sphere on the initiative of the head of our state. In accordance with this, academic lyceums will be organized, which will be engaged in targeted training of candidates for training in higher educational institutions of the Ministry of internal affairs. Since 2020, listeners will be accepted from among graduates of these lyceums and employees of internal affairs bodies on the basis of interview and professional competition.
There should be appropriate conditions for effective activity. Ongoing large-scale activities on improvement of conditions of service and residence of employees of internal affairs bodies, especially prevention inspectors, providing them with houses wh ere they serve should be noted. However, there are shortcomings at places in implementation of these instructions.
The head of our state gave instructions to relevant responsible persons on intensification of activities carried out in this direction.
It was noted that, to some extent, it is fault of prosecutors of districts and cities in emergence and lack of attention for a long time to problems solving in the activities of internal affairs bodies. One of the main tasks of the prosecutor’s office is to supervise implementation of legislation by internal affairs bodies, coordinate their activities on counteracting crime. However, some employees of the prosecutor’s office, guided by nepotism, are not performing their duties conscientiously. In a word, the prosecutor’s supervision over the activities of the internal affairs bodies is not carried out at the proper level.
In this regard, the leadership of the Prosecutor general’s office is instructed to establish effective prosecutor’s supervision over the activities of internal affairs bodies and to increase personal responsibility of prosecutors.
The head of our state noted that in improvement of activities of internal affairs bodies, it is important to involve the general public in reforming the system.
The Senate of the Oliy Majlis must work even more actively in the process of reforming the internal affairs bodies. Deficiencies discussed at the meeting indicate that the Senate should raise this work to a new level.
Deputy heads of district and city internal affairs bodies were tasked with carrying out activities, dividing territories for which they would be responsible. But this division at places was carried out “for a tick”.
The Senate should increase the effectiveness of this work, take, along with relevant ministries, necessary measures on turning the system of internal affairs into an exemplary sphere. In particular, it is necessary to take seriously the hearing of reports of the minister of internal affairs and his deputies, adoption of decisions on them. And at the lower level, it is necessary to promote an even more effective organization of reports in local Kengashes of people’s deputies of reports of the heads of local internal affairs bodies.
The head of our state noted that people should confidently go with the problems that concern them, first of all, to the internal affairs bodies, to prevention inspectors, to see their defender in every employee of the system. Only in this way the internal affairs bodies will deserve authority among people.
At the meeting, reports of responsible persons of the Ministry of internal affairs and the Prosecutor general’s office were heard.
Heads of the Ministry of internal affairs and its territorial divisions noted that they will draw conclusions from the discussion, make every effort to eliminate shortcomings in the sphere that were indicated at the meeting.
(Source: UzA)


AMMC set to channel $420mn towards development of "Yoshlik II" deposit
On 15 August 2017, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan signed a Decree "On additional measures on further development of JSC "Almalyk MMC".
The document was adopted in order to accelerate the sustainable development of production facilities of JSC "Almalyk MMC", expanding the raw material base of the plant, attracting the advanced technologies in the development of deposits and deep processing of mineral resources, increasing export potential, creating new jobs and on this basis further socio-economic development of the city of Almalyk.
In accordance with Presidential Decree dated March 1, 2017 # ПП-2807 "On measures on expansion of production facilities of JSC "Almalyk MMC", the deposit "Dalnee" is undergoing stripping, construction and installation work with parallel development of design and estimate documentation.
In addition, the State Committee of Uzbekistan on Geology and Mineral Resources jointly with JSC "Almalyk MMC" prepared proposals to accelerate the attraction of the deposit "Kizata" to the development process.
The document provides for the implementation of investment project "Development of "Yoshlik II" deposit with a total estimated cost equivalent to $420mn. Thousands of new jobs are set to be created due to the project.


Following the way of creation and well-being
A little more than a quarter century Uzbekistan follows the way of market economy, undertakes the reforms and institutional transformations aimed not only at further strengthening of the economic power, but also increase in level and quality of life, formation of the modern civilized harmoniously developed society. For this rather small, historically, period the republic has achieved huge successes which some, even advanced in hindsight states have been gaining on hundreds and more years.
Unfortunately, things didn’t go well as they should, and the way chosen by the republic hasn’t been poved with flowers. It was not only due the heritage of ideological tunnel vision and totalitarianism, but also starting state of the economy. By estimates, by 1990 Uzbekistan had one of the lowest indicators of the living standard among the republics of the former Union. The size of average per capita income, retail commodity turnover and paid services didn’t exceed 55-60% from the average Soviet Union’s indicators. About 70% of the population of the republic had a total return below the subsistence level while in Russia and Ukraine only about 30% of inhabitants had such income. The problem of employment of the population was also prevailing though the USSR, including all federal republics being its part, differed from other countries in lack of unemployment during this period. However, the high employment rate of able-bodied population was formed almost artificially and was guided by so-called principle of obligation and generality of labor, mandatory participation of the individual in social production. The state independence gained by the republic has changed a lot of things in the structure of economy and life. One of the main achievements is that Uzbekistan has stopped being constant and the obligatory "supplier of cotton" of the former Union, has eliminated the former one-sided raw-material orientation of its economy, and has achieved fuel and energy and grain independence.. Uzbekistan doesn’t get mistaken for Afghanistan or Pakistan anymore; it has taken the worthy place not only in world space, but also in many international markets. Production created in the republic from vegetables and fruit to cars, carpet, ceramic and other products, has found wide recognition abroad. It is also important that Uzbekistan became the full and authorized member of the UN, it cooperates with many international financial institutions and organizations, places in the territory embassies, diplomatic and other official missions of many states.
As the analysis shows, behind all these achievements there is, first of all, comprehensively verified internal and external economic course, refusal of the former, obsolete system of control and management, strategy of reforms and transformations using own (national) model of economic development. Radical administrative reform – creation of essentially new industrial and territorial structure of public administration, reorganization of local authorities with establishment of institute of hokim in the respective territories, including "Makhalla" institutes being today the major local self-government institutions of citizens played an important role in noted progress. Obviously, it also may include formation of absolutely new financial and dual banking system, creation of modern market infrastructure, development of small business and entrepreneurship, the farmer’s movement, strengthening of the status of a private property and many other things may be referred to above said.
One more factor which has provided success of transition to market economy and other positivities in economy is counting not on "shock therapy", revolutionary transformations, but on consecutive and phased reforms implementation, supporting on priorities when determining the annual directions of social and economic development of the country. It may be concluded that through all these courageous and really innovative decisions of the management it was succeeded, firstly, to improve placement and use of productive forces, secondly, to correct the level of economic and industrial development of regions, thirdly, to reach high rates of economic growth and, fourthly, to increase investment attractiveness of the country. Therefore, probably, the "Uzbek" market attracts many foreign investors and businessmen today, and a flow of foreign investments, especially direct ones, has rather noticeable high dynamics.
It is known that any country develops more or less successfully and has or can have high rating when it possesses sufficient production resources and natural wealth. Uzbekistan, fortunately, is such country. According to reports, stocks of mineral raw material resources of the republic are estimated in terms of money at approximately $3,5 trillion, of which only a half of these stocks is being developed today, the others represent a national wealth which can be included in economic circulation, if necessary. Natural wealth and resources in combination with the chosen course have allowed the republic to achieve essential economic breakthrough: for years of independence the economy has grown almost by 6 times, and the industrial output has increased by 4,5 times. About $200 bln. of which about $70 bln. being foreign investments and the credits have been invested in creation of new branches, modernization, technical and technological modernization of the existing enterprises and productions Today over 60% of the industrial output made in the country are production of the branches created for years of independence, almost from scratch.
Not only the economy, but also life of people improves. According to official statistics, the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita has increased for years of independence from $1,6 thousand to more than $6 thousand, and real income per the same amount, i.e. per capita have increased by more than 12 times. Average life expectancy of people has considerably increased, maternal and child mortality has reduced by more than 3 times. According to the rating of World Economic Forum, Uzbekistan enters five countries with fasts developing economy in the world by results of 2014 – 2015 and forecast of growth for 2016 - 2017.
it should be mentioned that not only the "large", but also "small" economy which is presented today by subjects of small business and private entrepreneurship develops successfully. If quarter of century ago the private business and entrepreneurship, practically, didn’t exist in there public, today about 90% of all economic entities are small business enterprises. They became a source of not only market saturation by necessary goods and services, but also growth in incomes and employment of the population. The state in every possible way supports development of this sphere what the Decree of the President of the country Shavkat Mirziyoev of October 5, 2016 "On additional measures to ensure the accelerated development of entrepreneurial activity, comprehensive protection of private property and substantial improvement of business climate" confirms.
It is impossible to list all things that have been made in the republic for all years of independence, but we think that above said is enough to seize, feel and understand transformations the republic has achieved having chosen the way of independent development, solving many problems of managing by own forces. Only the blind person cannot see these achievements, the deaf cannot understand and hear, but anyone with an impartial outlook, it appears, will give them a due assessment.
But it is important we don’t become complacent. The first President of the republic Islam Karimov said: "Everything what we reached for the expired period, shouldn’t bring us to a state of euphoria and self-complacency at all. We have to remember always that life is an evolving process and that country which doesn’t slip into complacency, estimates really and self-critically the place in the current cardinal changes in the world, goes in step with the growing requirements of time and the amplifying competition in the world market wins first".
The achieved success not only remains today, but also is increased greatly, the country aspires to new frontiers, to new fulfillments. At the same time the country leaders persistently nominate respect for the rights and the interests of the person to the first place, and consider the satisfaction of the people with life as criterion of activity at all levels and links of economy. Such country, in our opinion, has not only the good present, but also the great future, we can be proud of and rejoice at.
(Source: «Business» newspaper)


Achievements in development of motor transport for years of independence
Transport ways since ancient times were considered as one of the main sources of income of the state. Over time transport became an integral part of our life.
Essential institutional and legal transformations in the transport sphere occurred in Uzbekistan for years of independence. In this case also the motor transport is not an exception. So, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On de-monopolization and improvement of management of Automobile Transport Sector” dated from June 4, 2001 became the fundamental document in reforming of the sector. According to the document stage-by-stage measures to improve a management system, reduce excess structures are realized, works on privatization of the state objects are finished.
The Uzbek agency of motor and river transport is a special representative public authority of management in the sphere of the motor transport. The agency carries out forward work on carrying out the state transport policy, development of the market of services and also assistance to safety of automobile and river transportations.
In days of independence a number of laws of the republic, the decrees of the head of state and governmental resolutions (in total over 130 standard and legal documents) aimed at the development of the sphere of the motor transport, further improvement of quality and culture of service of passengers is adopted. Among them there are Laws "About the Motor Transport", "About City Passenger Transport", "About Traffic Safety".
Today Uzbekistan, along with the countries of the European conference of Ministers of Transport, completely adheres to qualification requirements of the European Union for automobile transportations.
As a result of creating favorable conditions in the republic and development of the healthy competitive environment in the market of motor transportation services the number of passengers and volume of the freights transported by the motor transport increases from year to year. So, if in 2000 there were 2032 passenger routes in the country, for January 1, 2017 their quantity made 4351.
The Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan adopted on January 10 the current year ""On measures for further improvement of transport service system and passenger bus service in cities and villages." became an important new incentive for development of the sector. The document has provided acquisition within 5 years of 2912 buses, opening of 3 new bus traffics, construction and reconstruction of 74 bus stations. Stage-by-stage introduction till July 1, 2018 cashless fare collection system in city passenger transport and bus and minibus GPS tracking system in Nukus and the regional centers is also planned.
To date according to the resolution 41 new bus routes are already launched, 285 buses are acquired, and works on construction of 7 new bus stations and reconstruction of 6 existing stations are begun. In Andijan, Gulistan and Fergana the GPS tracking system is already introduced. And since May 1 in all bus routes of Andijan city the cashless fare collection system in passenger transport is introduced.
In Uzbekistan special attention is paid also to development of transport communications on the international direction. To date over 320 carriers of the republic have licenses for transportations outside the country. It, in turn, improves possibility of delivery of production of Uzbekistan to the world markets.
In order to create favorable and legal conditions for domestic road carriers the republic has signed a number of international contracts and bilateral interstate agreements. In particular, Uzbekistan is a participant of 9 international conventions and 2 agreements. Bilateral interstate agreements about automobile are signed with 26 countries of Europe, Asia and the CIS.
(Source: «Business» newspaper)


Meeting at the Ministry of Defense
On August 17, a meeting with the delegation headed by the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan Saken Jasuzakov was held at the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Our country pays special attention to the development of mutually beneficial relations and highly appreciates friendly relationship with Kazakhstan. Today, this cooperation is of great importance for ensuring security and sustainable development of Central Asia.
At the meeting, the current state of cooperation between Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan in the military, military-technical spheres and in military education was discussed. The sides exchanged views on the military-political situation in the region.
At the event, a cooperation plan between the defense ministries of the two countries, which envisages further development of cooperation in the defense sphere was approved.
(Source: UzA)


Strategy of Actions: Results and Prospects
The President of Uzbekistan has determined the measures for the further realization of the Strategy of Actions.
The Strategy of Actions for the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan along five priority areas in 2017-2021 marked a qualitatively new approach to the system of strategic planning of state and social development of the country.
As the starting mechanism for the practical implementation of the priority areas of strategic development, the state program "Year of dialogue with the people and of human interest" was approved.
Preliminary results show the effective implementation of the state program, including with the active involvement of foreign and international experts.
To date, as a part of the Strategy for Actions there were adopted 15 laws and more than 700 other regulatory and legal acts aimed at the development of all spheres of state and public life.
In particular, in the field of improving the system of state and public construction taking into account modern requirements, the structures, tasks and functions of 16 ministries, departments and other organizations, 20 state and economic management bodies, and other organizations were transformed.
The judicial and legal system was radically revised. A unified supreme body of the judiciary, the Supreme Court of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as administrative courts, which are subordinated to the consideration of administrative disputes arising from public law relations, as well as cases of administrative offenses, were created.
The system of internal affairs bodies was reformed, the main activity of which is aimed at securing the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of citizens.
In the field of development and liberalization of the economy, tax system reforms were carried out, including the provision of tax holidays to taxpayers in good faith.
Within the framework of the regional programs of social and economic development, 13,339 projects were realized, loans for 2.1 trillion soums (currency rates of CB RU from 18.08.2017, 1$= 4154.36 soums) were taken, 10 free economic zones and five small industrial zones were created, a factory for the production of light commercial vehicles under the brands Peugeot and Citroen is constructed.
In the social sphere, over 2,700 km of roads were built and repaired in the first half of this year alone, over 84,000 jobs were created.
The Program on construction and reconstruction of energy-efficient affordable apartment buildings in cities for 2017-2020 is being implemented, within which it is planned to erect 1,136 multi-storey buildings, consisting of 50,286 apartments, as well as 75 thousand dwellings in rural areas on the basis of standard projects.
In the field of ensuring interethnic harmony, the conduct of a balanced, mutually beneficial and constructive foreign policy, a Committee on Interethnic Relations and Friendly Relations with Foreign Countries was established under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
There were approved 22 roadmaps in trade, economic, investment, technological and financial-technical spheres with the European Union and 21 foreign countries.
The Center for Development Strategy jointly with other interested agencies organized a broad informing of the population, civil society institutions and the international community on the implementation of the Strategy of Actions. About 6 thousand meetings were organized in the field, TV programs and speeches in the media.
However, for a qualitative and advance planning of further reforms, an in-depth study of the results achieved in 2017 and planning of further reforms in 2018 is necessary.
In this regard, the commissions for the implementation of the priority areas of the development of the republic, as envisaged in the Strategy for Actions, together with the Center for Development Strategy, need to systematically analyze the results of the realization of the Strategy through August-September 2017 by collecting statistical and other data, by the study of regulatory acts and results of activity of state bodies of all levels, as well as organization of meetings, "round-tables”, polls, public discussions with wide involvement of representatives of civil society institutions, mass media, academia and foreign specialists.
Until December 1, 2017 to publish and disseminate the information and analytical review "Fulfillment of the state program for the implementation of the Strategy for Actions of the development of the Republic of Uzbekistan along five priority areas in 2017-2021 in the Year of dialogue with the people and human interests".
It is necessary to prepare and summarize the current proposals for inclusion in the draft of the state program for the realization of the Strategy of Actions in 2018 which before November 10, 2017, it will be submitted to the National Commission for the Implementation of the Strategy. Moreover, these proposals will be considered only after their preliminary discussion with the general public.
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)


Photographs and Portraits Expose the Great Statesman
A photo exhibition dedicated to the life and activities of the First President of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov has taken place at the Tashkent House of Photography of the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, as well as an art exhibition following the results of a creative contest to create his portrait.
The event, organized in accordance with the decree of the head of state on perpetuating the memory of the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Abduganievich Karimov, signed on 25 January 2017, was attended by representatives of the general public, art historians, artists and journalists.
“The perpetuation of the memory of Islam Karimov, who left an indelible mark on the history of the country with his multifaceted political activity, is an important factor in nurturing a harmoniously developed generation, raising and stimulating artists, including photographers and artists,” said A. Nuriddinov, chairman of the Academy of Arts. “Creating an image of an outstanding statesman Islam Karimov, his political talent and noble human qualities won authority not only in Uzbekistan but throughout the world is a great responsibility and a great honor for every creative figure.”
The photo exhibition featured about 40 photos reflecting the multi-faceted life and activities of the First President of our country, his meetings with prominent political and public figures of the planet, as well as ordinary citizens.
Within the framework of the event, the winners of the creative contest for the creation of the portrait of Islam Karimov were awarded. Of the 51 paintings and artworks that were submitted for the contest, 17 works were selected by the jury, in which the image of the great statesman is most fully revealed.
As a result of the competition, the first place was awarded to People’s Artist of Uzbekistan Bahodir Jalolov. The second and third places were occupied, respectively, by Zebiniso Sharipova and Maksud Kosimov.
“In this creative competition, along with professionals, amateur artists took part, who were able to capture the image of Islam Karimov, loved by our people, on the canvas,” says Bahodir Jalolov. “In his paintings like Hero, Happy New Day, Alone with Yourself and others, I tried to reflect from a philosophical point of view the successful path of development passed by Islam Karimov and our people.”
(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)

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