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State Tax Committee of Uzbekistan jointly with the Ministry of Finance and experts project EREPORT seminar for managers and accountants of enterprises and organizations on the topic of "Actual issues of tax on personal income and single social payment".
According to the Committee, during the event they discussed issues related to the application of the first stage of the scale of tax on personal income - income taxed at "0" rate (up to a single minimum wage), as well as a reflection of such income as part of e- tax reporting.
They also explained the nuances of the application of rules of calculation of the single social payment for micro and small enterprises, based on the statutory rate of 15%, and the calculation of the minimum amount of single social payment - at least 65% of the minimum wage per month per employee.
The EREPORT program helps timely clarification of the legislation, to fill in and send electronic reporting, respond promptly to the numerous questions of entrepreneurs arising in the course of business. During the event, experts have shown all its advantages.
The seminar was held in the form of interactive dialogue, which allowed to cover the widest range of wanting to get targeted responses to specific situations.
IA "Jahon"