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One of the priorities of the state policy of our country is the social, economic and legal protection of women, creation of decent conditions to improve their all-round well-being.
So, on this topic the Secretary General of the Italian branch of the "European Women’s Lobby" Mary Louis Bottarelli Tranquilli-Leale willingly shared her views and comments in an interview with news agency "Jahon".
She particularly commended the work done by the Council of Federation of Trade Unions in the employment of women and improve their status in society over the years of independence.
— It must be stressed, - said the Italian expert - the importance of women in the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions.
Measures to reduce wage differentials between men and women adopted in Uzbekistan are very impressive. It should be noted that the same purpose is pursued by the EU in its strategy for 2010-2015.
One cannot but mention the support provided by the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of women entrepreneurs and individuals who are engaged in small businesses. Legal aid provided by the hotline - is an essential tool to help avoid some of the bureaucratic procedures.
Maternity protection is another important aspect which your country given special attention. At the same time, it carried out fruitful work to equip all the necessary jobs and to create a favorable climate for families.
Assistance provided by the Federation Council of Trade Unions for women who are active in the labor force, not only has a positive impact on their personal lives, but also allows you to raise the level of society as a whole.
In this context, it should also be said about the huge attention paid to your state support for women’s health issues. This, for example, a variety of social programs, which are of vital importance.
At the same time, I want to emphasize the role of the institute of social partnership to improve the lives of women in Uzbekistan.
IA "Jahon", Rome