For consular and visa issues, please contact the Embassy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Berlin:
Perleberger Str. 62, 10559 Berlin
Tel.: +49 30 394 098 30/80
Fax: +49 30 394 098 62
Hotline of the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs of Uzbekistan:
+998 71 233 28 28

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of March 07, 2015, №179 made changes and additions to the Regulations on the Unified state register of enterprises and organizations (USREO), the State Tax Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan reports.
The amendments clarified that the changes to the database EGRPO of departmental legal persons on the basis of information of its founders (as provided above), as well as information of state and economic management.
Terms and the procedure for notification of the statistics agencies responsible for state registration of legal entities, have been adjusted. This information should be provided within one day, but for the government and non-profit organizations - in two days.
Also in two days statistical agencies will be notified for entry in the register of information relating to all legal entities, such as:
— State registration of changes and additions to the constituent documents;
— Reorganization of state registration of the legal entity;
— Entry of the liquidation or cessation of activities (merger) of the reorganized legal entity into the register;
— Obtaining information from the registering body about non-legal entity’s financial and economic activities or aborted their authorized fund in a timely manner, as well as finding it in the process of voluntary liquidation or to terminate it;
— Change the mailing address;
— Change in the main activity and the average number of employees on the basis of the annual statistical reports.
Data are available only in electronic form via the Internet using software tools of the State Committee on Statistics.
The list of public information has been expanded. In addition to the identification, classification parameters, e-mail addresses of legal entities will also be available phone numbers and information about founders of legal persons. Other indicators of USREO remain as information of a confidential character.
IA "Jahon"