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Starting from 25 April to 11 may, Tashkent will host the media days timed to the world press freedom day. The organizers of the media days are the national Association of electronic mass media, the Legislative chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Parliamentary Commission on management of the Public Fund for support of NGOs and other civil society institutions under Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Public Fund for support and development of independent print media and news agencies, OSCE project coordinator in Uzbekistan, Conrad Adenauer Foundation for Central Asia and the UNESCO Office in Uzbekistan.
During the events, more than 100 employees of private television and radio companies of the Republic will participate in 6 seminars and workshops with the participation of international experts.
There will also be 7 presentations of social projects of non-state media, dedicated to the year of "Healthy mother and child".
On May 2-3, on the occasion of world press freedom day, the hotel "Miran" and "International Hotel Tashkent" will host meetings, round tables, presentations, contests. The main event will be the international conference on "mass media as an important tool for social dialogue, openness of activity of public authorities and management". Its work will bring together leading national and international experts, journalists, editors and other representatives of private television and radio broadcasters from all regions of the Republic.
National Electronic Media Association will present a project about economic support and the transition to digital broadcasting of private television channels and radio stations.
The event will discuss practical aspects of implementation of the tasks defined by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the Concept of intensifying democratic reforms and forming the civil society in the country; improving the efficiency of media activities in the enforcement of the law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On openness of bodies of state power and control" and other normative-legal acts in this sphere; the international experience and the recommendations on increasing the role and importance of media in the construction of an effective concept of public dialogue and social partnership will be studied.
The media days will also be attended by guests in the ceremony of awarding the winners of the XI National award "Oltin Kalam".
Another event scheduled to be held is the festival "Jurnalistlar bahori", in the course of which the best employees of non-state television and radio channels will be awarded.