Ministry of Economy: 232 thousand jobs to be created in the regions of Uzbekistan in 2015

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The role of the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in securing employment in the country has been the focus of a press conference that took place in the capital.
The information announced at the event, indicate that in 2014 in the framework of the socio-economic development of regions, 200,000 stationary job positions were created. It is planned to increase this figure to 232 thousand jobs in the current year.
In particular, it is planned to create more than 115.7 thousand jobs by implementing over 5.4 thousand projects worth $5353,5 mln. through 9 directions of the industry. About 14 thousand jobs will be created in the service sector, more than 66.8 thousand jobs in the amount of 774.9 mln - due to the put into operation of new objects of trade and consumer services, and expansion of existing facilities, as well as 48.8 thousand jobs as a result of 6.4 thousand projects in the field of agriculture.
Along with this, in the framework of Investment Program for 2014, due to the implementation of 154 major projects about 7,000 jobs were created. In 2015, within the Investment Program it is planned to create more than 6 thousand jobs. This result will be achieved due to the implementation of 158 large investment projects worth $7.4 billion in the framework of implementation of new and modernization of existing production facilities.