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On April 30, the regular meeting of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis of Uzbekistan.
Deputies had considered a number of bills aimed at deepening reforms in various spheres of public life. The issues included in the agenda of the meeting of the lower house of parliament, had previously been discussed at meetings of factions of political parties and the deputy group of the Ecological Movement of Uzbekistan. Particular attention was paid to members of the draft law "On amendments to the Law "On State power".
A number of amendments to the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is the further democratization of state power and administration, ensure the gradual implementation of the principle "From a strong state - to a strong civil society", the expansion of the role, rights and responsibilities of Parliament in the public authorities, strengthening the control functions of the representative authorities.
In accordance with the amendments to the Constitution enhanced the responsibility of the executive authorities, representative bodies khokims before. Thus, Article 103 of the Basic Law with the norm of establishing the duty khokims region, district and city represent corresponding Advice of People’s Deputies of the reports on the most important and topical issues of socio-economic development of the region, district and city.
In order to create mechanisms for the implementation of democratic standards of data included in the Constitution, the Law "On local state power" is complemented by the new Article 251, according to which the regional governor, the district and the city are corresponding Council of people’s deputies of the reports on the most important and topical issues of socio-economic development region, district, city at a meeting dedicated to the socio-economic development of the region for the previous year and the most important priorities of socio-economic program for the current year. It is envisaged that the discussions on the reports khokims would take into account assessments and tasks -defined at meetings of the Cabinet of Ministers, as well as the higher councils of people’s deputies.
— As you know, each year in January, held a meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers, which provides a detailed assessment of the executive bodies of government, khokims regions and Tashkent city for the previous year and identifies the most important priorities of social and economic development of the country for the coming year. Then, on the ground conducted similar sessions. This practice proved its efficiency and enables system analysis, constant monitoring of the progress of the priorities and strategy of the state. Based on the requirements of the Constitution, introduced in the law additions include discussion of reports khokims relevant meetings held in the regions, districts, cities, - says member of the faction of the Movement of Entrepreneurs and Businessmen - Liberal Democratic Party of Uzbekistan K. Ernazarov. - It serves to ensure systematic in considering important issues of socio-economic development of the regions, elimination of duplication in reporting khokims organizing effective discussion with the ratings determined by higher authorities, and ultimately enhance the role of representative bodies in the field.
— We believe that the hearing of reports of khokims by councils of people’s deputies at the respective meetings on the results of socio-economic development of the past year and priorities of next year, will justify itself in practice, - reports the member of the Democratic Party of Uzbekistan "Milly Tiklanish" M.Khusanov. - Insertion included in the law makes it possible for the deputies of the Legislative Chamber and members of the Senate to participate in the meetings of the Councils of People’s Deputies, which is their more democratic conduct and accountability of khokims and the deputies themselves.
— Another feature of the bill lies in the fact that following the discussion the decision Council of deputies, which provides a comprehensive assessment of the efficiency of the state administration and the executive authorities in the field, provides recommendations and suggestions for the improvement of their work, as well as measures to ensure control progress of implementation of the decision, - the representative of the faction of People’s Democratic Party of Uzbekistan F. Eshmatov says.
— Provided for by the draft law on the mandatory publication requirement of making councils of people’s deputies and reports khokims in official publications and on the websites of public authorities on the ground will ensure openness and transparency in the activities of public authorities in the field, - a member of the Social-Democratic Party of Uzbekistan "Adolat" Y. Holyorov says.
The adoption of this law will provide increased control functions of representative bodies on the ground, increasing the responsibility of local executive authorities in the implementation of social and economic development of the country. Its implementation in practice will effectively address the challenges facing the public authorities in the field, the success of the political, social and economic reforms, and ultimately protect the interests and welfare of every citizen of society.
Following the discussion, the bill was adopted by the deputies in the first reading.
The deputies considered other issues relating to the powers of the Legislative Chamber.
Information Service of the Legislative Chamber of Oliy Majlis Respubliki Uzbekistan