Netherlands Media covering spring festival of Navruz

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As previously reported, at the University of Leiden (Netherlands) diplomatic mission of Uzbekistan organized an event dedicated to the holiday of Navruz.
This event aroused interest of the Dutch media that published materials and photographic coverage of an evening and traditions of celebrating Navruz.
Thus, popular in Belgium and the Netherlands edition Diplomatic Magazine posted on its website, electronic article "Celebration of Navruz in Uzbekistan", accompanied by a colorful picture stories.
"On the occasion of the spring holiday of renewal and peace - Navruz in the hall Arsenaal of Leiden University organized a solemn event, - reported in the article. - Each year, on March 21 holiday is widely celebrated in Central Asia, including Uzbekistan. Originated more than 2,500 years ago, the tradition, in 2009, was officially included in the UNESCO Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity".
The article notes that Navruz is celebrated widely throughout Uzbekistan - everywhere with songs, folk dances, sport competitions. Especially solemnly and clearly it is celebrated in the National Park named after Alisher Navoi in Tashkent.
"In the course of the evening at University of Leiden guests got acquainted with the achievements of our country in the political, socio-economic and cultural spheres over the years of independence, - the article tells. - There was expressed mutual interest in the development of fruitful cooperation between the universities of the Netherlands and Uzbekistan".
Newsletter of Leiden University also published a detailed article devoted to the spring holiday and its celebration in Uzbekistan. "Navruz - marks the arrival of spring. Annually on 21 March, he celebrated the peoples of many countries, regardless of nationality and religion and is one of the oldest traditions in the history of mankind, - said in the publication. - It’s a celebration of friendship, which not only brings, but also brings together many nations. Its noise of karnays, joyful voices of children in beautiful dresses, hurrying in the morning on a holiday, lavishly laid tables in homes. Many traditions, piously stored and transmitted from one generation to another, is associated with this holiday".
Further, the material describes the main dish Navruz - Sumalak. It is noted that it is made from sprouted wheat germ in large boilers, which is going for the whole Mahalla, mostly women.
"People sit around the hearth, all night they sing songs, have fun waiting for their turn to prevent cooking delicacy, and in the morning still warm sumalyak distribute neighbors, relatives and friends. Trying this dish, it is necessary to make a wish - it will surely come", - the article says.
Describing the tradition of celebrating in Uzbekistan, the publication reports that these days taken to forgive wrongs, help the weak and the needy. Another good omen is considered a treat, "Mistress of special fried cakes with greens, cooked nishalda - sweet dessert made of egg whites, whipped with sugar and fragrant roots of herbs, baked layered samsa, in boilers steaming fragrant pilaf - a table that day "breaking" of viands. As abundance - is another good sign".
Paying tribute to the world-famous hospitality and cheerfulness of the Uzbek people, the newsletter of the Dutch university says: "In every house welcomes guests: hosted and run themselves. And not just for a visit. On Navruz one can’t keep still at the house! Particularly interesting folk festivals in the villages, which showcases traditional contest Kupkari, struggle of djigits, equestrian tournaments, as well as folk fairs where you can buy everything from souvenirs to national baking".
IA "Jahon"