New initiatives proposed for cultivating products on household and dehkan lands

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On January 30, President Shavkat Mirziyoyev chaired a meeting on the new system of growing income crops on household and leased lands.
Agricultural lands yield rich harvests thanks to a rational approach and structural changes. At the same time, measures are being taken to turn other lands into economic assets, create jobs, and increase the population’s income.
There are 508 thousand hectares of household land in the country, which belong to more than 5 million households, 17 thousand hectares of previously created dehkan farms, and 260 thousand hectares of land distributed among the population in recent years. These resources are the basis of food security.
Over the past 7 years, household plots and dehkan farm owners have been allocated 2.3 trillion UZS in preferential loans and 265 billion UZS in subsidies. Considering local conditions, 5,145 mahallas specialized in growing fruits and vegetables, greens, lemons, and other crops.
People have mastered modern agricultural technologies, and the yield of household plots has increased significantly: if previously an average of 18 tons of products was collected from one hectare, now this figure has increased to 38 tons.
In mahallas, capacities have been created for storing, sorting, and processing 470 thousand tons of fruits and vegetables. In dozens of districts, such as Asaka, Jandar, Shakhrisabz, Uychi, Qiziltepa, Yangiyul, Taylak, Angor, Kuva, Oltiariq, the population harvests 2-3 times a year and receives an average income of 15-20 million UZS per hundred square meters.
For further development in this direction, proposals from the population, processors, and exporters have been studied.
Thus, gardeners of Samarkand region asked for subsidies for trellis cultivation of grapes, which doubles the yield. This proposal was supported, and now a subsidy of up to 15 thousand UZS will be allocated for each trellis. Preferential loans for purchasing equipment for drying raisins under the family entrepreneurship program are also provided.
In the Tasmasoy mahalla of Denau district, 875 households grow citrus fruits and lemons, receiving up to 200 million UZS in annual income. In Sariasiya and Oltinsoy districts, more than a thousand families also expressed a desire to grow lemons using the “trench” and “thermos” methods.
Yangiyul farmers complained about the lack of high-quality local green seeds. Instructions were given to eliminate these problems and support the population’s initiatives.
The Head of state put forward new initiatives for the cultivation of high-income and export-oriented crops, their accounting and financing.
A separate council will be created to develop dehkan farms and homestead farming, which will train the population, supply seeds and seedlings, and cultivate, process, and export products.
Under the management of the council, the holding UzAgroStar will be created, and 15 specialized companies for the production of fruits and vegetables will be opened as part of 9 state banks. These companies will take 15 pilot districts to a new level and disseminate successful experience in 72 other districts.
Each company will be allocated 20 billion UZS from the budget, and banks will additionally allocate $10 million to the assigned company. A special fund with an initial capital of 260 billion UZS and a loan portfolio of 1.2 trillion UZS will be created in the council.
These funds will allow banks to attract residents of specialized mahallas as clients and provide them with financing. A support system for household farming will be introduced, including the import of modern technologies and the involvement of foreign experts, providing households with high-quality seeds, fertilizers, agrotechnical services, and assistance in processing, storing, and exporting products.
In cooperation with seed institutes, greenhouses will be organized in pilot districts.
In total, about 5 trillion UZS will be allocated to finance the cultivation of food crops in household plots.
Additional opportunities will be created to support dehkan farms and owners of private plots.
Freezers, packaging, drying and processing warehouses, and greenhouses will appear in mahallas and households, which will be transferred to the population with a 5-year installment plan.
Entrepreneurs organizing services for household farming will receive 7-year preferential loans at 17.5 percent. Every year, 20 billion UZS will be allocated in the form of grants for the best projects of farmers and households, with 500 mahallas receiving 40 million UZS each.
Farmers who have established export-oriented production can apply for subsidies of up to 100 million UZS, and organizers of short-term training courses – 5.5 million UZS. The state will cover half the costs of building reservoirs to collect rainwater in arid regions.
Another significant change is that loans from the Agricultural Fund for growing and processing fruits and vegetables will be provided without collateral, only under an insurance policy. Farmers will be able to receive preferential loans without unnecessary bureaucratic procedures.
A new system for recording household and dehkan lands and the products grown on them will be created. By the end of the year, all plots will be classified, and crop data will be entered into the Online Mahalla platform.
Farmers who use land effectively and receive official income of more than 5 million UZS per hundred square meters will be able to return 90 percent of the paid land tax in the form of cashback. And those who do not grow anything on their plots will be charged an increased land tax.
Due to the lack of a digital trading platform, farmers find it difficult to find buyers, and processors and exporters are forced to search for products on their own. An online marketplace will be launched to solve this problem.
Over the past three years, 260 thousand hectares of land have been transferred to the population, and now the system is being improved: in Karakalpakstan, Andijan, Jizzakh, and Tashkent regions, 3,300 hectares of empty land will be leased under the new system. Contours from 3 to 50 hectares will be put up for auction and leased for 49 years.
These lands will be put up for auction together with an analysis of the composition and quality of the soil, indicating the minimum and maximum water supply limit. Entrepreneurs from other regions will also be able to participate in the auction. Bidding will be conducted with a reduction in the starting price and the condition of a one-time payment. Part of the land will be allocated for the construction of storage and packaging facilities.
From 2025, the taxation procedure for agricultural land will change. If the point value of the leased land increases, the tax will remain the same, if it decreases, it will triple.
One of the most consumed products in Uzbekistan is potatoes. They are grown on 290 thousand hectares and despite this, the need is partially covered by imports. The reason is the insufficient quality of varieties and average yield.
In this regard, the Research Institute of Potato Growing has been tasked with creating high-yielding varieties that correspond to the local climate, preparing and distributing 3 million tubers using the in-vitro method.
This year, 400 billion UZS from the Agricultural Fund will be allocated for the development of potato growing. Imported seed potatoes will be exempt from customs duties for three years. From 2027, the need for potatoes will be covered by domestic resources.
Instructions were also given on issues of providing equipment for growing and processing products and providing farmers with convenient leasing products.
At the meeting, the Head of state talked with leading farmers and owners of household plots in the regions. One of them, Genjimurat Turdimuratov from Karakalpakstan, who receives a high income due to growing 4 crops a year in his greenhouse, was awarded the “Dustlik” order.
Responsible persons and banks presented plans for the implementation of new initiatives and ensuring employment for 1 million 500 thousand people.