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The issues of raising medical culture in preschool educational institutions and comprehensive schools were in the focus a round table organized by the Committee of the lower house of Parliament on science, education, culture and sports.
During the event, it was noted that our country has a solid legal base for carrying out of a state youth policy. In particular, the laws “On fundamentals of state youth policy in the Republic of Uzbekistan”, “On education”, “On health protection of citizens”, “On limiting distribution and consumption of alcohol and tobacco products” serve for a deeper understanding of the principles of a healthy lifestyle.
The formation of a healthy lifestyle, primarily among young people is a key priority of the state policy. The participants noted that the issues on improving the medical culture of the population have been given a particular attention in the recently adopted State program “Year of a healthy mother and child”. Measures are implemented to improve the medical culture of the population, strengthening the work in the field of sanitation and hygiene, appropriate care of young mothers and children, improving the quality and caloric intake of their food. An importance is given to the broad popularization of physical culture and sports among the younger generation.
The participants of the event spoke about the essence and meaning of adopted in this area laws, the successes and achievements in the implementation of measures to strengthen the role of education in forming of a healthy baby, the further development of the network of preschool educational institutions, the provision of high quality primary education. In addition, the participants focused on radical improvement of quality of preparation of children to school with the effective use of advanced pedagogical, information and communication technology, general promotion of a healthy lifestyle.
The sides also discussed issues of further improvement of curricula, lessons for improving the medical culture in preschool educational institutions and secondary schools, as well as the implementation of proposals and recommendations of the Ministry of health in educational institutions.
Following the event, the participants made proposals and recommendations on further strengthening of measures aimed at improving the medical culture.