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The National Library of Uzbekistan named after Alisher Navoi opened a photo-book exhibition "Central Asian Tretyakov", dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the restorer, ethnographer, art historian, honored artist of Uzbekistan, the national artist of Karakalpakstan, founder and first director of the Museum of Art in Nukus, Igor Savitsky.

Igor Savitsky was born in Kiev in 1915. In 1941, he enrolled to study at the Moscow State Art Institute named after Surikov. Because of illness, he was not drafted into the army, and fr om 1942 to 1944 he was evacuated along with his institute in Samarkand. Here he for the first time became acquainted with a peculiar and interesting culture of the peoples of Central Asia. In 1950 he arrived in Uzbekistan as part of archaeological and ethnographic expedition, wh ere he studied and collected objects of Karakalpak folk applied art. Sawitski is the winner of the Republican prize of Berdakh "For collecting activities of unique works of Karakalpak folk applied art" and the book "Wood carving" and in 2002 for his contribution to the development of science and culture of Uzbekistan by Presidential Decree he was awarded "Buyuk xizmatlari uchun" ("For the great services").

Heritage of Savitsky totals 7452 works of art; 25223 graphics; 1322 sculptures; 7562 works of folk arts and crafts; 1902 coins; 8618 archaeological research findings.

Photo-book exhibition includes books-reminiscences of friends and followers of Igor Savitskiy about his diverse activities as an artist, a painter, art collector, restorer, art critic and researcher of traditional art of Karakalpak people, creator and administrator of the museum, educator and teacher, as well as books, scientific works, articles about his "Nukus period" of life, the collections exhibited in many countries. Along with photographs of paintings Igor Savitskiy visitors will get acquainted with his only book "Folk arts and crafts of Karakalpak people. Wood carving".

Visiting this exhibition, art lovers and connoisseurs of art, masterpieces of folk arts and archaeological findings will learn many interesting things.

IA "Jahon"