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Trade Unions in implementation of the State program "Year of attention and care for the senior generation"
At the initiative of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan in our country 2015 was declared as "Year of attention and care for the senior generation", and therefore the relevant government program has been approved.
Trade union organizations of country conducted a systematic organizational and practical work to promote the implementation of the state program "Year of attention and care for the senior generation".
So, as part of its implementation Council of Federation of Trade Unions is actively involved in the development of legal documents, in particular, the draft of the Law "On social services for the elderly, the disabled and other categories of the population", the draft Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the state program of further strengthening and development of system of social protection of single elderly, pensioners and disabled people in 2015-2020" and the draft Resolution of Cabinet of Ministers "On approval of the order of appointment and provision of social services and the formation of the individual program of social assistance for the elderly".
On May 9 - Day of Memory and Honor country’s trade unions have provided each veteran and participant of the World War II of 1941-1945 with targeted financial assistance to improve their welfare and quality of life. In addition, 23 thousand single elderly, pensioners and people with disabilities receive social support. They are provided with food, medical supplies, repair of houses of war and labor front veterans is carried out, municipal services are paid.
Also, the Council of Federation of Trade Unions held an action "Trade Unions - to veterans", within which cultural events with the presentation of gifts has been organized for representatives of the elder generation and the elderly homes "Sahovat" and "Muruvvat". In order to render charitable sponsoring help on the eve of the national holiday Navruz, as well as on Day of Memory and Honor 18 houses "Muruvvat" and "Sahovat" received charitable assistance in amount of 31 million UZS.
Within the framework of the State program in 15 sanatoriums of Trade Unions opened branches "Veterans of war and labor front of 1941-1945". Additional and all the necessary conditions created for them. Department of "Participants in the war and the labor front" of trade union health resorts are equipped with modern medical equipment, soft and hard inventory.
Over the year in these sanatoriums more than 10 thousand veterans of war and labor front will improve their health at the expense of the state budget. In addition in these sanatoriums on free and preferential basis 6 thousand working pensioners, labor veterans, pensioners and unemployed pensioners to improve their health. About 5 billon UZS has been allocated for these purposes.
In addition, within the framework of the State program extensive work on the construction, reconstruction and repair of trade union sanatoriums is carried out. In particular, work is underway in the sanatorium "Turon" of Tashkent region, "Chimyon" of Fergana region, "Sitorai Mohi Hosa" of Bukhara region, "Kasansoy" of Namangan region and in rest homes "Ahmad al-Fargoni" of Fergana region, "Chodak" of Namangan region. In Jizzakh and Surkhandarya regions the construction of new health centers is carrying out.
Thus, it is planned to provide financial support and encourage 84 thousand elderly people by means of collective agreements of enterprises, organizations and institutions. Across the country for 1000 representatives of the senior generation will be organized tourist trips to historical cities and sights of our country.
On the part of trade unions 420 elderly and people with disabilities from all regions of the country receiving additional support and rehabilitation equipment - wheelchairs, hearing aids, prosthetic-orthopedic products. Two thousand lonely and vulnerable elder people will be presented to the domestic electrical appliances in the amount of 1 billion 500 million UZS. Providing such gifts will contribute to improvement of the quality of life and well-being of veterans of war and labor, representatives of the elder generation.
Primary trade union organizations also held spiritual and educational activities, "round tables", meetings in labor collectives with the participation of veterans of war and labor, organized sports competitions among working pensioners in such sports as chess, checkers, table tennis and badminton.
To date, the implementation of the measures implemented under the State program "Year of attention and care for the senior generation", the trade union organizations of the country allocated more than 16 billion UZS.