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"Summer - 2015: Country of happy children"
From the first days of independence, upbringing of harmoniously developed generation became one of the priorities of the state policy of Uzbekistan. Large-scale measures on the physical, intellectual and spiritual development of the younger generation are implemented. Systematic work on summer health improvement of children is among these measures.
In Uzbekistan, at the height of summer and holidays the younger generation is under the special attention of government agencies and trade unions. A series of measures are carried out across the country, which are aimed at complete recreation of schoolchildren and students of lyceums and colleges.
In particular, since the beginning of this year, the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan conducted systematic work on the coordination of high-quality preparations for the summer recreation season. The operational headquarters have been formed at the Council of Federation of Trade Unions (CFTU) and regional associations of trade unions.
The process of preparing for the season has been thoroughly studied and discussed by the CFTU Working Group. As a result, all issues related to the organization and holding of qualitative children’s health season have been positively solved, system measures were implemented by administrations of local authorities.
This year, the summer season is based on a carefully developed Concept of summer recreation and health of children, approved by the Government. On the basis of this document and the analysis of the practical work of recent years new systematic approaches have been introduced, which increase the quality and effectiveness of the children’s health camps, contribute to a significant improvement of the organization of cultural activities, expand the scale of the entire infrastructure.
It is noteworthy that in the course of preparation for the season by the Council of Federation of Trade Unions in order to improve the work on the improvement of children in the Republic of Karakalpakstan, regions and Tashkent city conducted training and methodological workshops in which special attention was given to improving knowledge and skills of all employees and experts of these institutions. Specially developed manuals, guidelines, scenarios for the cultural, educational and sports activities have been prepared for these institutions.
Based on the concept of rest and rehabilitation of children in Uzbekistan special attention is given to increasing the quality and quantity of specialized camps and the expansion of their activities. Today, health camps have become not just recreation establishments, where the younger generation is spending time fascinating - they serve as centers of their physical, intellectual and spiritual development.
Material-technical base of children’s health camps has been significantly strengthened. In accordance with the annually adopted targeted programs of construction of new, reconstruction and overhaul of existing camps, for the past 3 years and 9 camps have been built and 45 camps have been repaired, and 27 camps have been reconstructed.
Federation of Trade Unions have built children’s camps in Tashkent, Navoi, Namangan, Samarkand and Khorezm regions. Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine have constructed children’s camp in Jizzakh, the Ministry of Internal Affairs - in Tashkent region, that have increased the capacity of camps up to 4856 places.
Issues of nutrition, health and safety of children are under special control. This year the menu will be even more varied, herbal teas to be added, which is rich in vitamins. This experience tested in the camp "Yulduzcha" of Samarkand region this year introduced in other camps. In addition, regular skilled medical care has been organized. Medical stations are fully provided with necessary medicines.
The current children’s recreation season started on June 1. In the country activities 1149 camps, including 213 stationary, 795 day camps and 141 summer camps for teenagers have been organized. During the summer season rehabilitation of more than 287170 children is planned. For this purpose, more than 39 billion soums is allocated.
Under the special care of the state 4.6 thousand children from ecologically unfavorable regions - the Republic of Karakalpakstan, Khorezm and Surkhandarya regions, are provided with free vouchers to camps in Tashkent, Jizzakh, Samarkand, Kashkadarya and Tashkent regions. 50 thousand children from socially vulnerable families and 2 thousand children from orphanages "Mehribonlik", as well as children with disabilities will be provided free and discounted vouchers through collective contracts and agreements.
Two thousand mothers and children to improve their health in sanatoriums of the trade unions. 600 children from poor families and orphans who live in the communities will also have the opportunity to recreate.
Particular attention is paid to the improvement of activities of day camps. They are created in the form of summer platforms, where on the basis of special programs cultural and educational, sporting events are held. Daily mode of their operation is set from 8 AM to 2 PM.
Apart from these, together with the Center of secondary special and vocational education a number of ministries and organizations to implement innovations in the activities of summer camps for students in colleges and high schools over 14 years. This enables young men and women go through industrial practice, besides, they will organize cultural and educational activities and sports.
It should be noted that taking into account the interests of children activity of specialized camps is even more improved. This year their number reaches 220, including 14 - in the direction of intellectual development, 14 - military and sports, 14 - ecological and biological, 8 - social adaptation, 14 - technical and 14 - artistic creativity camps.
Council of the Federation of Trade Unions in the children’s camp "Quyoshli" of Tashkent region is traditionally organizing a camp of intellectual development. Free holiday and recreation for 500 winners of "Competition of Knowledge" in various subjects will be provided there. Similar camps will be organized in every region of the country.
The relevant ministries, departments and public bodies are involved in the organization and conduct of the summer season. In particular, to ensure public order and security the Ministry of Internal Affairs attached 1455 employees to the camps. Vehicles and communications equipment have been allocated for them.
Ministry of public education has taken steps to provide children’s camps with qualified teachers. Of course, in center of the attention - the organization of activity of circles in each children’s camp. Also program of foreign language teaching has been extended, especially for specialized camps, where a lot of time devoted to educational activities.
The Ministry of Health is designed to control the quality of medical services, compliance with sanitary regulations.
The Ministry of Culture and Sports is planning to organize cultural and educational activities with the participation of young performers and artists.
Events and activities scheduled for the summer season are aimed at increasing the spirituality of children, expanding their world-view, education in the spirit of patriotism. They will be based on the updated program. Among them the campaign "Independence in my destiny", "Uzbekistan - a country of happy children", "Trade Unions - to children". There will also be meetings and "round tables" with writers, artists, masters of sports, the elder generation. All children’s camps will show 37 children’s documentaries and feature films, cartoons, which were created especially for children.
For the purposes of cultural, spiritual and moral education of children a republican creative contest is organized by the Federation Council of Trade Unions with the participation of relevant ministries and agencies to create children’s songs, poems for use in the camps. More than 600 applications have been already received. More than 30 children’s songs, 100 poems have been selected from the submitted works. All children’s camp provided a collection of scenarios of events, workbooks and guidelines.
In general, to date a large-scale preparatory work has been done for the summer recreational season children in Uzbekistan. The younger generation has every opportunity to rest and improve their health, to learn a lot and improve their erudition. It’s because only harmonious development of young people, inspired by the care and attention, are able to multiply achievements of the country in the future and increase its authority at international level.