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Due to the large-scale creative work carried out in our country, every day there are appearing new businesses, being built modern homes, schools, colleges and high schools, social infrastructure buildings, rising people incomes, improving quality of life.
An important contribution to this process also make the commercial banks of the republic. Thus, over the past period of this year the State Joint Stock People’s Bank only to small businesses and private entrepreneurship allocated loan funds in the amount of 218,7 billion soums. Most of them have made microloans. As a result, it created more than a thousand jobs. By the end of the year on the development of entrepreneurship is scheduled to send another 787,5 billion soums of investments and organize more than 13 thousand jobs.
Experts financial institutions to pay special attention to the employment of people in remote areas, promoting the development of family businesses. To this end, over the past three months allocated credit funds amounting to over 10 billion 150 million soums for development of livestock, poultry farming, beekeeping, horticulture, viticulture and the establishment of greenhouses.
With the support of the People’s Bank, we organized a family business, - says a resident of the district Turtkul of Karakalpakstan Sardorbek Matniyazov. - Currently we engaged in poultry farming. If we consider that 45 days each chicken gaining weight 2-2.5 kilograms, then we will not only cover costs, but also get a considerable profit from the sale of products.
A resident of rural gathering of citizens Azamat Ishtyhanskogo district of Samarkand region Khurshid Yahshiboeva also got a loan in the amount of 7,5 million soums in the regional branch of the bank.
In this way, it acquired breeding cattle and has now been supplying the domestic market with quality meat and dairy products.
Also noteworthy is the fact that the People’s Bank carried out work to involve graduates of professional colleges in business. Only in the period from January to March, the young people were given over 3 billion 172 million soums of credit, so that about 400 young men and women started their own business.
Since my childhood I was fond of sewing, - says Anora Mukimova from Mahalla "Uzbekistan" of Hatyrchi district, Navoi region. - I dreamed to become a dressmaker and learn to sew dresses in traditional style with modern design. Therefore, I entered vocational college of housing and communal services, and acquired the desired profession. At the beginning of self-employment the People’s Bank helped me. With its financial assistance I got a new modification of a sewing machine and established his own business. Today, the number of customers grows. So I want to enlarge my business activity. I hope that my new business project will be supported by the financial institution.
So the development of small business and entrepreneurship is considered one of priorities in the way of improving the welfare of the population. And it brings the desired results.
IA "Jahon"