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Tashkent hosted a media tour for the representatives of national media devoted implementation of regional programs adopted by the State Committee for Nature Protection, 2015.
The purpose of the trip was a visit to the kennel for breeding and conservation of wild and rare species of birds of prey, created Ltd. "Tugan Falconry Club".
For the purposes of state control over the birds of prey inspectors on preservation and protection of flora and fauna transferred to a special scanner and microchips for identification of birds of prey and prevent their substitution.
It is known that the microchip when passing through the metal detectors at the airport provokes signal. Also developed a passport for birds of prey.
It should be noted that Tugan Falconry Club in August 2015 rehabilitated and released into the natural environment 45 falcons from the Red Book of Uzbekistan. At the moment, there are 2 rare falcons on rehabilitation.
Environmentalists advocate the completion of the natural populations. Birds born in the kennel will be released in the natural environment. This year four Saker falcon chicks already have born, two of which will be released into the wild.
Today the nursery contains larger species saker falcons and peregrine falcon. The plans of the club members to plant a rare falcon Shaheen.
Recall that in our country there are about 460 species of birds, of which 260 species nest. Today 47 endangered bird species included in the Red Book of Uzbekistan.
Jahon Information Agency