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The electronic portal of the Regional Environmental Centre for Central Asia (CAREC), the headquarters of which is located in Almaty, posted an article on the results of International round table on “The legal basis of the public environmental control: experience of Uzbekistan and European countries”, held in Tashkent."
The portal noted the attention paid to our country environmental issues. It emphasized that the country has carried out large-scale transformations in the socio-economic sphere, modernization of industry and creation of new innovative production based on the principles of ensuring harmony between the country’s economic needs and tasks for the conservation of Uzbekistan’s flora and fauna. For this purpose, it creates a fundamental legal framework, about 30laws, over 150 legal documents, regulating the issues of environmental protection and natural resources, have been adopted.
The article also described the experience of Uzbekistan in mobilizing the public to actively participate in the activities of Environmental Control, which has been highly appreciated by the foreign participants of the round table from Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, India, Latvia, Singapore, France, Japan and other countries .
In particular, it reported that Latvian Minister of Environment Protection and Regional Development of the Republic K.Gerhards called the Tashkent Environmental Forum as an important landmark in strengthening the role of NGOs and civil society institutions in the protection of nature.
The article listed the opinions and assessments of other foreign participants who welcomed the high involvement of the Uzbek community in ecological processes, as well as the improvement of the relevant regulatory framework in the country.
Jahon Information Agency, Almaty