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Fulfillment of commitments under insurance contracts to its customers on time and in full amount is one of the priority tasks of the Joint Stock Company "Insurance Company KAFOLAT."
Its specialists pay special attention to improving the quality of the activity of the company when dealing with claims. This is confirmed by the growth of insurance payments. Thus, in the 1st half of this year, the company met 2,105 insurance claims.
At the end of 1 half of 2015 the amount of insurance claims paid by the "Insurance Company KAFOLAT" amounted to 5.5 bln soums, which is 62% or 2.1 bln soums more compared to the same period of 2014. On average, the company made 11-12 payments a day.
It should be noted that the largest amount of insurance claims have been traditionally accounted for compulsory insurance.
Over the 1-half of 2015, 1.3 billion soums was paid on compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners, which is 18% more than the amount of payments made over the same period of 2014. Moreover, 2.4 bln soums was paid on compulsory insurance of civil liability of employer, which is 500 million soums more than in 2014.
In addition, due to the increase in the number of contracts on voluntary health insurance of this kind a significant increase in payments can be observed. Over the 1-half of this year, the company paid more than 129 million soums of insurance indemnities, which is 73% more than in 2014.
It should be noted that the company is actively pursuing reinsurance activity. Over the period under review the company paid 1.3 billion soums of insurance claims under reinsurance contracts, she added.
It should be added that in order to improve the quality and efficiency of insurance services, from August 1 this year, the company launched a new service in Automated Information System "Kafolat-Online", which allows monitoring the timely consideration of all insurance claims received by the company.