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Yonhap News TV channel has aired a special reportage about the X International Music Festival "Sharq taronalari" in Samarkand.
The program, prepared by the correspondent Kang Sung Chulom and Shin Yong Hee, notes that the architectural ensemble of Registan, where the main stage of the festival located, is one of the major tourism brand of Uzbekistan.
It is emphasized that the international competitions of this level are always interesting because there is the opportunity to see at the same time a large number of creative teams from different countries, to get acquainted with their products and to exchange views and even to enrich its own repertoire. It contributes to the development of cultural relations, the strengthening of the bonds of peace and friendship between peoples.
As reported by Yonhap News, the competition program at this festival will present more than 350 exhibitors from 66 countries. South Korean music group of traditional art Poong Ryu demonstrated it’s skills. They played a melody on the ancient Korean instruments - "komungo", "kayagym", "hegim", "tegim", "jango", "ajeng" and gave the audience a classic song Kuyim Shinashy.
Correspondents say that the square was filled with spectators. Participants and guests of the festival, actors and fans of art, musicologists, journalists, local and foreign tourists were among them.
The program also provides interviews with some artists from South Korea.
— We are honored to participate in a major forum of arts - international music festival "Sharq taronalari", - Head of the dance group Poong Ryu Chong Hwa Lee said. - Organizers created comfortable conditions for arrived guests and participants. This indicates that the Uzbek leadership fully supports artists.
Report is complemented with colorful frames from the opening ceremony and speeches of representatives of the Republic of Korea. It is reported that in the previous music festival South Korea was represented by the musical group from the Joongang University.
Information Agency Jahon, Seoul