"Spring symphony" charms hearts

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In the Palace of International Forums "Uzbekistan" On March 25 held the concert "Bahor simfoniyasi" ("Spring Symphony") with participation of composite youth symphony orchestra and young performers of opera.
It was attended by representatives of state and public organizations accredited in our country, the diplomatic corps and representatives of international organizations, foreign guests, who came to observe the election of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, music fans, reports National Information Agency UzA.
Music plays a huge role in enriching the spiritual world of man, the approval of noble ideas, strengthening friendship and harmony, cultural and educational relations between the peoples.
In our country special attention is paid to the progressive development of all areas of musical art, the full support of the representatives of the sphere. Various competitions and festivals contribute to such noble goals as the identification of talented young people, the formation of love of art, the expansion of creative collaboration.
In various regions of country were built of global standards institutions of higher, secondary special education in the direction of art and culture, the reconstruction of existing ones. Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On State program of strengthening material-technical base and further improve the performance of children’s music and art schools for 2009-2014" on July 8, 2008 contributed to the improvement works on artistic and aesthetic education of the younger generation, the identification of gifted children.
As a result, talented boys and girls from Uzbekistan annually become winners of prestigious international competitions and art festivals.
These have become traditional festivals as "Sharq Taronalari", "You are one, the sacred Motherland!", "Tashkent Spring", are essential to demonstrate progress in the years of independence in all areas of musical art huge success, further expansion of creative dialogue. As a result, further enriched the tradition of Uzbek schools conductors, performers, singers and composers. The successful organization of the international contest of Italian opera «Competizione dell’Opere», art festival "Spring of Youth" contest of young performers "Ona yurt ohanglari", "Sozlar navosi" along with the identification of new talents are an important factor popularization of Uzbek musical art on a global scale. Establishment of the "Nihol" is of particular importance in identifying young talent in all areas of music, getting to know them public, enhancing their creative skills.
... Colorfully illuminated International Forums Palace "Uzbekistan" is full of music fans.
The main purpose of the concert was held, organized by the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Public Youth Movement "Kamolot", joint teams of national symphonic, chamber and instrumental folk orchestras of Uzbekistan and Tashkent city administration is familiarizing the younger generation to the highest national and international models musical art form and the full support of young talents, wide popularization among youth opera.
As part of a consolidated youth symphony orchestra and opera singers among the many winners of international competitions. Along with such talented opera singers as Rahim Mirzakamolov, Ramz Usmanov, Jenisbek Piyazov, Jabroil Idrisov, Masuma Boltaboeva, Barno Ismatullaeva, Shirin Mamatova, Milena Matmusaeva, louder declare themselves young soloists Tohir Usmanov, Alirna Karieva, Beaubourg Muhammadjon, Davron Khashimov who have already successfully performed at international competitions, creative festivals in France, Italy, Austria, Romania, Belarus, Kazakhstan and other countries. Their creative successes testify to the great attention and care given in our country in the years of independence, the development of art.
The audience enthusiastically greeted each performance of works of world and Uzbek classics such as the aria by Toreodor D. Bizet, "Duet of Flowers" by L. Delibes, "Fortune" by Orff, "Adagio" by T. Albinoni, "Flowering apricot", "White Tulips" by M. Leviev, aria by "Haja darga" from the opera "Swindle Maysara" by S. Yudakov. Video on a huge screen on the stage of pictures of spring, accompanied the orchestra and soloists, creating a unique, charming impression and enhances the perception of what is happening in the hall, he felt each of the spectators.
Due to the unique art and culture of Uzbekistan attracts anyone - says the editor of the online magazine «Earth Tims» David Armstrong (UK). - Held in a majestic palace opera concert featuring talented young artists made a huge impression on us. Version with high skill youth of Uzbekistan works by famous composers in the world is to be commended.
Attention exerted by the country’s talent inspires us to conquer even greater creative heights - says winner of the "Nihol" Jenisbek Piyazov. - Despite the fact that I have participated in many international competitions, singing in a magnificent palace in our homeland - in Uzbekistan - a great honor and responsibility.
More concern about youth calls us to new frontiers of high - says a student of the Tashkent Automobile and Road Institute Oyshabonu Anvarova. - We were amazed skill peers. This concert has demonstrated that the young generation of our country grows to anyone in no way inferior individuals.
The best pieces of the world and Uzbek opera were performed at the concert.
IA "Jahon"