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Uzbekistan has created a solid legal framework to ensure freedom of speech and information, as well as the development of the media, improvement of the legal basis for the activities and protection of the professional rights of journalists. Considering that the liberalization of the information sphere and its development are priority tasks in the construction of the New Uzbekistan, after the constitutional reform, the articles devoted to these rights were significantly expanded. Thus, Article 33 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan notes that everyone has the right to freedom of thought, speech and belief. Everyone has the right to seek, receive and disseminate any information. The state creates conditions for ensuring access to the global information network Internet. Restrictions on the right to search for, receive and disseminate information are allowed only in accordance with the law and only to the extent necessary to protect the constitutional order, public health, public morality, the rights and freedoms of others, ensure public safety and public order, and prevent the disclosure of state secrets or other secrets protected by law.
It should be noted that Chapter XV "Mass Media" contains articles that stipulate that "Mass media are free and operate in accordance with the law. The state guarantees freedom of activity of mass media, their exercise of the right to search, receive, use and disseminate information. Mass media are responsible for the accuracy of the information they provide." At the same time, "Censorship is not allowed. Obstruction of the activities or interference in the activities of mass media entails liability in accordance with the law." According to the Head of State, "ensuring freedom of speech, the right to receive and disseminate information, is an integral part of the Development Strategy of Uzbekistan."
been adopted in Uzbekistan, including “On the openness of the activities of state authorities and administration”, “On the mass media”, “On guarantees and freedom of access to information”, “On the principles and guarantees of freedom of information”, “On the protection of the professional activities of a journalist”, “On informatization”, etc. It is important that the presence of direct laws regulating the activities of the media creates a holistic system of regulatory legal acts, ensures legal certainty in relations in the sphere and contributes to the real provision of freedom of the media. In order to liberalize the activities of the media and ensure the rights of journalists, amendments and additions were made to the laws “On the mass media” and “On the protection of the professional activities of a journalist” on April 18, 2018. In particular, websites were defined as mass media, mechanisms for state support of the media were created (provision of tax benefits, other mandatory payments and tariffs, preferences, state subsidies, grants and social orders, as well as social support for editorial staff).
In order to improve the system of state support for the information sphere, accelerate the development of the country’s media market, ensure openness of the activities of government agencies and other organizations, improve the quality of production of books and other printed products, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated February 2, 2019 "On additional measures for the further development of the information sphere and mass communications", The Agency for Information and Mass Communications under the Administration of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan was established on the basis of the Uzbek Agency for Press and Information . This agency is called upon to effectively ensure the implementation of citizens’ constitutional rights to freedom of speech and information, to promote the strengthening of the role of the media in the socio-political and socio-economic development of the country, to create equal conditions for them in the media market, and to protect the rights of journalists. And today the Agency is taking active measures to improve regulatory legal acts, to strengthen the material and technical base of press services, to staff them with professional personnel, and to improve the knowledge and experience of press secretaries. The adoption of such necessary measures will create decisive conditions for strengthening the potential of the media and the development of the information sphere of Uzbekistan, to better ensure its information security, and, what is very important, to greatly strengthen the foundations of dialogue between the state and society. The Agency also implements systemic measures to support the media and increase their potential. AIMC regularly advocates for the protection and support of journalists, bloggers and other creative workers of the mass media.
In order to ensure transparency of the activities of state authorities and administration, increase the powers of information services of organizations and establish regular cooperation with the media, in 2018 the Cabinet of Ministers adopted the resolutions "On measures to further improve the activities of information services of state and economic administration bodies of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and "On approval of the concept of activating the activities of state and economic administration bodies in the virtual space". In addition, in accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On further measures to ensure the independence of the media and the development of the activities of press services of state bodies and organizations" dated June 27, 2019, increased requirements and responsibility are established for the heads and employees of information services of state bodies for timely and comprehensive coverage of key events and decisions within the framework of the work of their departments, as well as prompt response to requests from journalists and the public. This resolution ensures the openness of government agencies to the people, their close interaction with the media, journalists and bloggers , prompt and objective informing of the media and society on topical issues, and also raises the status of press secretaries to the level of deputy heads of departments. Today, the republic has established the activities of press services to increase the transparency of the activities of state and local government bodies. The number of information sources has also increased sharply over the past period. For example, not so long ago, 6-7 years ago, access to information from ministries and departments was a big problem for the media and journalists. But today, press services have become one of the main sources of information. If the number of sources of information from government bodies and organizations in 2019 was 559, then as of September 2021, their number was about 3,000.
Also, on September 14, 2019, in order to increase the importance of public organizations in shaping public opinion on current issues in the information sphere, the Public Council for the Development of the Information Sphere and Mass Communications was established under the Parliament of the country, which includes representatives of the media, public organizations, science and culture, the deputy corps, independent experts and specialists, as well as other civil society institutions.
In order to stimulate the creation of educational and useful web resources on the World Wide Web, contributing to the formation of an information space of knowledge, broadening the horizons and developing the creative potential of young people and for the purpose of legal regulation of the developing industry, Resolution No. 888 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 21, 2018 "On additional measures for the development of national content on the World Wide Web" was adopted.
In addition, the “Concept of a Unified State Information Policy” has been developed, which is aimed at ensuring the constitutional right of citizens to freedom of speech and access to information, ensuring a constructive dialogue between the state and civil society, developing the country’s information sphere and regulating the information activities of government agencies.
In May 2018, by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the first University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan was established in the country. In the field of television and radio broadcasting, such state channels as "O’zbekiston-24", "O’zbekiston tarixi», «Madaniyat va Marifat», «Dunyo Boylab», «Navo», «Oilaviy», «Diyor», «Bolajon», «Mahalla», «UzHD», non-governmental – «Milliy TV», «Uzreport TV» and «MY5». They represent the whole palette of opinions and beliefs, they have their own view and attitude to the most important events in the country.
In June 2022, in order to implement the Development Strategy of the New Uzbekistan for 2022-2026, the President of the country Sh.Mirziyoyev signed the Resolution "On measures to support the media and develop the sphere of journalism" to strengthen the protection of legitimate interests and comprehensive support for the activities of the media, as well as further increase the potential and competitiveness of personnel and the development of the sphere of journalism.
To date, Uzbekistan has implemented a number of international recommendations for the implementation of rights in the information sphere. Thus, with the support of UNESCO, the Code of Professional Ethics of Journalists was developed, criminal liability for libel and insult was excluded, liability for the dissemination of false information was established, mechanisms for supporting the media were defined: the terms for registering media were simplified, benefits and preferences, state subsidies, grants and social orders were established, as of January 1, 2023, the number of registered media was 2110, of which 733 are Internet media. More than 1.5 thousand users identify themselves as bloggers and are actively engaged in media activities. In 2022, the number of foreign TV channels broadcasting in Uzbekistan increased from 50 to 122. By 2024, it is planned to increase to 200. Uzbekistan’s position in the rating of the international NGO Reporters Without Borders is improving. In the 2022 Press Freedom Index, Uzbekistan ranked 133rd out of 180 countries, improving its position by 24 points compared to 2021. The government is taking measures to strengthen the role of the media and protect journalists (establishing liability for illegal interference and obstruction of media activities, including censorship by officials, illegal seizure of materials and equipment, etc.). A draft Information Code has been developed and submitted for public discussion ( The draft is being revised taking into account public suggestions and comments.
Thus, a legal framework for the activities of the media has been created in Uzbekistan, a lot of work has been done and significant results have been achieved in the field of democratization and liberalization of the information sphere. Uzbekistan is open to constructive cooperation with foreign countries and international organizations in the field of ensuring freedom of speech and the press, and is committed to studying their rich practical experience in this area. For the media of Uzbekistan in modern conditions, the most important task is to integrate into the global information system, promote their position, and represent national ideas and the interests of their people. The conviction that all controversial issues and problems arising in the information space should be resolved exclusively within the framework of the law, on the basis of legal norms is gradually taking root. At the same time, taking into account increasing cases of dissemination of false and unfounded information that misleads people, the primary task today is to promptly and deeply analytically cover events taking place in the world, taking into account the national interests of Uzbekistan. And this largely depends on three important factors: firstly , the quality of training of journalistic personnel with multifaceted professional knowledge and skills, high moral and intellectual qualities, secondly , filling the information space with high-quality and competitive national content and thirdly, on the information culture, media literacy of our population.

Karine Javakova,
Head of the Department of State and Legal Disciplines and Ensuring Human Rights of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor