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Uzbekistan attaches great importance to the development of renewable energy sources. The country is implementing a number of projects on introduction of renewable energy sources and their diversification, developing the regulatory framework. These and many other issues were in the center of attention at the Second national conference on the development of the wind energy potential of Uzbekistan.
The conference saw heads and specialists of the Ministry of economy, finance, foreign economic relations, investments and trade, JSC "Uzbekenergo", the Fund for reconstruction and development, the State Committee for nature protection, Center of hydrometeorological service under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, TSTU, Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, representatives of international organizations and development institutions, representatives of General Electric and Siemens, as well as the delegation of the Embassy of the French Republic, etc.
The conference was another important step in harnessing the potential of renewable energy sources of Uzbekistan. This work was performed at UE “Talimarjan TPP” by JSC “Uzbekenergo” and Intec-GOPA and GEONET (Germany) in the framework of the project “Construction of the overhead line 500 kV Talimarjan TPP - substation Sogdiana with outdoor switchgear 500 kV at Talimarjan TPP” with the support of the International Bank for reconstruction and development (World Bank).
The previous conference presented the Wind Atlas - an interactive information-analytical system of wind energy potential (WEP) of Uzbekistan, developed using computer simulation and assessment of wind energy resources of the Republic, which according to analysis account for more than 520 000 MW of installed capacity and more than a billion MWh of electricity per year.
On the basis of the developed Atlas of JSC “Uzbekenergo”, there were two prospective areas identified in the Navoi region and southern Karakalpakstan (zones of intensive industrial development) to conduct further detailed studies to clarify the WEP of these sites. Bоth sites have considerable potential, quality long-term wind conditions and good infrastructure.
Each of the sites has meteorological mast installed with a height of 85 meters each with devices for determining the speed and direction of wind, density and temperature. Via the satellite system, these devices transmitted information to a server online for further analysis, which later was used to determine the optimal capacity of wind power generators and calculate the potential power generation during the preparation of the feasibility study of the investment project. Following the studies, a model turbine with a generator with a unit capacity of 3 MW, a rotor diameter of 100 meters and a height of the cradle 100 meters above the level of the land was chosen.
As a result, following 12 months period, following measurements were received when designing a wind Park with installed capacity of 102 MW (34 units with capacity of 3 MW each):
— On the territory of Nukus, the average annual power generation will amount to 326 million kWh;
— On the territory of “Zarafshan”, the average annual power generation will amount to 358 million kWh.
Bоth sites have significant potential for further expansion - “Nukus” up to 60 000 MW and Zarafshan up to 75,000 MW - under the condition of holding and expanding a program of detailed measurements. The preliminary results of the feasibility study confirmed the profitability of each of the potential projects.
This was not the first time when the participants of the conference emphasized the wind potential of the country, they sounded promising areas for use of wind energy.
— The result of our measurements and calculations shows that Uzbekistan has a great potential for wind energy development. In some countries, the wind is used not only for power generation but also for heating and cooling. This is true for Uzbekistan as well. In addition, special devices that are used for land irrigation can also be used using the wind energy, - the Director of the project company "Intec-GOPA” Martina Dabo (Germany) said.
In the framework of the conference, the participants acquainted with the modern trends of development of wind energy projects, equipment, and types of financing for such projects.
World leaders in the manufacture of wind turbines – General Electric, Siemens and Vestas shared their experience in implementation of wind energy projects on land and the latest technology in turbine construction.
Experts from the International Finance Corporation and the Global Fund for infrastructural development briefed the participants about the various schemes of project financing, including public-private partnerships and the production of electricity by independent suppliers, requirements for profitability of projects.
Representatives of the World Bank expressed support to the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan and JSC "Uzbekenergo" in the development of wind energy and informed them that under the new Concept of cooperation for 2016-2020, the World Bank group has been allocating significant funds for projects in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
Following the discussions, it was concluded that Uzbekistan possesses significant wind resources suitable for the development of commercially successful large-scale wind farms.