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A press conference on the 12th International exhibition "TextileExpo Uzbekistan 2015" which will be held fr om May 27 to 30 took place today in the capital’s Uzexpocenter.
The main organizer of exhibition is the international exhibition company ITE Uzbekistan and ITE group. The main purpose of the exhibition is demonstration of the potential of the domestic light industry, as well as the possibility of attracting foreign investments to the local market.
For 12 years, leading enterprises-manufacturers and suppliers of the textile industry fr om around the world arrive in Uzbekistan to participate in TextileExpo Uzbekistan, where they are given a unique opportunity to hold meetings and talks with experts in the textile industry from all regions of the Republic. During 4 days, the exhibition will present a wide range of competitive and quality products that will give the professional exhibition visitors endless opportunities for business development.
The conference participants stressed that this year’s list of exhibitors includes over 70 companies from such countries as Belarus, India, Indonesia, China, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Turkey and Japan, wh ere 60% of the exposition is occupied by foreign representatives and brands, and 40% of the companies of Uzbekistan.
It should be noted that TextileExpo Uzbekistan takes place in May as a separate independent event for the first time, representing the achievements of domestic and foreign consumer goods industry, fashion and design outside of the exposition of textile engineering - CAITME, which is traditionally held in autumn. According to plan of the organizers, this was done in order to demonstrate the capabilities of domestic light industry in the production of finished products.
A novelty of the exhibition will be, for the first time within TextileExpo Uzbekistan can participate in The International festival "Fashion and Design 2015" will be held wh ere the show of international designers and experts.
In conclusion, the participants of the conference have announced the next International regional exhibition - "Uzbekistan Infrastructure/ Ferghana Valley 2015", which will be held from June 10 to 12 in Fergana. The event will be held in the region of the Republic for the first time, which will open a new page in the history of international fair events in the country. Before that time only Tashkent was the center of international exhibitions, now several thousand representatives of business circles of the three areas of the Ferghana valley: Namangan, Andijan, Fergana, will have the opportunity to host business partners. This project will allow to focus the business community on the development of the business environment in the Ferghana valley.
IA "Jahon"